Literary Movements: Puritan Plain Style, Romanticism, and Transcendentalism

Puritan Plain Style:

”Plain” does not mean ”rustic” or ”rude”, much less ”artless”. It means ”unadorned” by elaborated figures of speech and learned references, just as the church building, services, and the ministers themselves must be unadorned. Literary conceits and classical allusions were signs of human vanity. Puritans favored simple, short words rather than long, fancy ones. They got to the point immediately, with no exaggerated descriptions. It is based on directness and clarity.

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Islam: Beliefs, History, and Branches – A Comprehensive Guide


GOD is one God and there is a phrase that reaffirms “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet.” A Muslim believer is one who denies the worship of all idols brought down to Muhammad in Mecca and all who are reborn in every generation.
Islam is a protest against all polytheism, even against the Trinity of cristianos.Ese “one God” that “has absolutely nothing like” God is creator. “Neither has engendered or been begotten”. “To Allah belongs the act of naming and erasing. We will

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Branches of Judaism: A Comprehensive Guide to Jewish Denominations

Branches of Judaism


Judaism, throughout history, has been divided into different groups, each with its own unique set of beliefs and practices. While these groups may differ in their interpretations of Jewish law and tradition, they remain united by their shared heritage and commitment to the Jewish people.

Ultra-Orthodox Judaism

Also known as Haredi, Ultra-Orthodox Judaism presents two doctrinal differences with Orthodox practice: a particularly devout lifestyle and a rejection of Zionism.

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The Rise of Christianity and Islam: A Comparative Study of Power, Culture, and Expansion

Q1 Carolingian

Translatio imperii

Christian influenced, Benedicitne Rue, Monasticism

Charlemagne, King of Franks. Charles the great

Roman not religious;conversion of emp. To christ. Then forcing upon the population Paderborn capituary 785;convert..Die

Pipin the short, carolingian conquest of frankia

Estb. Carol. Through overthrow of Childeric II 751;
Conquest of Church to say God says so.

Gain territories through conquest;spread churches

Charlemagne under power(768-814)

King of Rome when LeoIII had power

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Hinduism: Beliefs, Practices, and Key Concepts

Samsara: The Cycle of Reincarnation

Samsara, the transmigration of souls, is the reincarnation of successive atman (individual soul). This is symbolized by a wheel always moving.

Bhakti: Devotion and Personal Relationship with God

Bhakti is a form of devotion that goes beyond routine rituals. It represents a personal relationship between the faithful and their god. Its origins are found in certain hymns of the Veda. This concept is based on the conception of God that appears in the Bhagavad Gita. It

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Understanding Animism: Beliefs, Practices, and Significance


Animism is a belief system in which people believe that spirits inhabit everything, including rocks, trees, seeds, water, and people, both living and deceased. They believe that these spirits can influence events, causing both positive and negative occurrences like harmony, conflict, health, disease, and drought.

Elements of Animism

Animism encompasses fundamental elements of religious phenomena:

  • Belief in an invisible world.
  • The existence of a soul and a dualistic distinction between the pure
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