New Testament: Key Insights and Teachings

How God Used the Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans

  • Hebrews: Through their religion
  • Greeks: Through their language
  • Romans: Through their social and political organization

The Four Main Groups of the New Testament

  • Historical Literature: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts
  • Letters from Paul: Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon
  • Letters for All: Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1, 2 & 3 John
  • Prophetic Literature:
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Bhakti and Sufi Movements: Key Concepts and Principles

Understanding the Bhakti Movement

  1. What does the Bhakti movement mean?

    The Bhakti movement was a series of religious reform movements started by Hindu saints and reformers. They adopted devotion (Bhakti) as a method to achieve salvation. Their expression of devotion ranged from routine worship of deities within temples to singing and chanting devotional compositions.

  2. Who were the Alvars?

    In southern India, the devotees of Vishnu were called Alvars.

  3. Name four well-known reformers of the Bhakti movement.

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El Cantar de Mio Cid and La Celestina: Spanish Literature

El Cantar de Mio Cid

Personality of the Cid

El Cantar de Mio Cid is the process of glorification of a hero. The Cid’s personality is defined by:

  • Loyalty to the king: Despite the case of calumnies spread by Rodrigo’s enemies.
  • Consideration and honor: He obtains royal forgiveness and his daughters end up marrying the infants of Navarra and Aragon.
  • Personal effort and faith in God: Rodrigo’s virtue is based on the Christian faith, loyalty to the king, justice with his subjects, and love of family.
  • Measure:
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Ramon Llull: A Pioneer of Catalan Prose and Medieval Thought

Ramon Llull: Life and Work

Ramon Llull was the first to write literary prose in Catalan. He was also the first writer to use a Romance language to discuss cultured issues, previously reserved for Latin, such as philosophy, theology, and education. He was born around 1232 in Mallorca, the son of a noble family from Barcelona who arrived on the island after the conquest of James I around 1229. He was educated as a knight. During his youth, he led a courtly life, married Blanca Picany, and had two children.

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Historical Jesus: Evidence, Authenticity, and Miracles

Did Jesus Really Exist?

Some might say that Jesus was just an illusion, but this is not true. There are many historical realities associated with him that are impossible to deny. The historical existence of Christ is also testified by documents from three different cultures:

  • Greek: Lucian of Samosata
  • Roman: Suetonius and Tacitus
  • Jewish: Flavius Josephus and the Talmud

Could the Man of the Shroud be Jesus? What Does Science Say?

Yes, depending on how you interpret the evidence. The figure of the Shroud

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Early Church History: Councils, Fathers, and Structure

The New Situation of the Church

The calendar is Christian. Sunday became the official day off and celebrates important holidays of Christianity. Laws are amended contrary to Christian morality: gladiatorial fights are banned, infanticide is deleted, the death penalty by crucifixion is removed, and family life is promoted.

Council of Nicaea

Condemned the doctrine of Arius, who asserted that Jesus was not inferior to the Father, therefore, Christ was not God, but someone created by God.

Council of Ephesus


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