Ramon Llull and the Royal Chancellery: Literature in Catalonia
Ramon Llull’s Works and Philosophy
Llull’s views: 30 years and five revelations of Christ. From that moment, he undertakes a series of missions with three slogans: missionary work, preparation of books explaining the Christian faith, and requesting funds from kings and popes to create a school to teach future missionaries pagan tongues.
- Llibre del gentil e dels tres savis (The Book of the Gentile and the Three Wise Men): Originally written in Arabic and later translated into Catalan. The protagonist,
Ockham’s Political Philosophy: Temporal vs. Spiritual Power
Ockham’s Text: Historical Context
William of Ockham was born between 1280 and 1290 and died in 1350. He is considered a pivotal figure transitioning between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The classic problems that had been articulated by scholarly discourse were resolved by Ockham, paving the way for modernity. Ockham’s time was marked by a crisis within the Church, stemming from the Avignon Papacy and the dispute between the papacy and the empire. This conflict began in the late thirteenth
Read MoreChristian Morality: Dignity, Freedom, and Responsibility
Christian Morality: Key Concepts
The Moral Christian (Numbers 1691-1876)
The Root of Human Dignity
According to Christian faith, the dignity of the human person is rooted in their creation in the image and likeness of God. Endowed with a spiritual and immortal soul, intelligence, and free will, the human person is ordered to God and called, body and soul, to eternal bliss.
The Importance of the Beatitudes
- How important is the message of Jesus contained in the Beatitudes in the context of Christian morality?
Anglo-Saxon Poems: Wulf and Eadwacer, Egyptian Days & More
Wulf and Eadwacer
It is as though my people had been given a present.
Will they wish to capture him if he comes threatening?
It is unlike us.
Wulf is on one island, I’m on another.
Firmly fixed is that island, placed on fenland.
Murderous are the people who occupy that island.
Will they wish to capture him if he comes threatening?
It is unlike us.
Grieved have I for my Wulf with distant longings,
then rainy was the weather and I was sad
when the brave hero surrounded me with his arms.
It was such a joy, and
Read MoreKey Terms and Definitions in Abrahamic Religions
Key Terms in Abrahamic Religions
Ahura Mazda: The God of Zoroastrianism, also known as Ohrmazd.
Zarathustra: Ancient Iranian prophet and poet, founder of the Zoroastrian religion.
70 CE: The destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem.
Covenant: A biblical concept that describes the relationship between God and the Jews in contractual terms, often thought of as an eternal bond between the Creator and the descendants of the ancient Israelites.
Gentile: Not Jewish.
Midrash: Biblical exegesis
Dangerous Sects: Origins, Practices, and Control Methods
4) Stop Suffering (Universal Church of the Kingdom of God)
Official Name: Universal Church of the Kingdom of God.
Also Known As: Stop Suffering.
Founder: Edir Macedo.
Founded: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1977).
Curiosities: The founder has been jailed twice in Brazil, and the church has been embroiled in financial scandals in Argentina. They often offer certain charms, like oil from Mount Sinai or the Jordan River.
Some Examples of Dangerous Sects
5) The People’s Temple
Jim Jones, an American pastor,
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