Differences Between Sects, Churches, and Religion


a) Individuals belong to it by birth, faith is inherited and passed down through families.
b) Tendency to adapt to the sociocultural and institutional environment.
c) Adaptation to current values.
d) High number of members.


a) Individuals are incorporated into it by self-ascription, after a personal conversion.
b) Promotes a closed social structure, apart from civil society and other religions.
c) Does not fit into the sociocultural environment and tends to marginalize itself.
d) Constituted

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The Sacred and the Profane: Understanding Hierophanies in Religious Experience

The Scope of the Sacred and the Profane

The observer of religious experience will notice two vital areas in which the religious subject moves differently: the world of ordinary life and the world apart, defined by objects and symbols of religious life.

  1. In the first, the subject moves spontaneously.
  2. In the second, with a sense of amazement. To designate this second field of religion, we use the term “sacred.”

Speaking of the sacred, we do not refer to a reality different from the profane. The natural

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Set Theory and Relations in Discrete Mathematics



A X B ≡ {(a, b) | a ∈ A, b ∈ B} 

Pow(S) ≡ {e | e ⊆ S} Power set has 2^n Elements. A binary relation is an element of A x B.

The Squares of integers { x : N | (exists y : Z | x = y*y)}Set ha s at least one element   exists x | x in S. Set has no elements  not (exists x | x in S) also S = {} Set Has exactly one element exists x : S | (forall y : S| y = x) also a | S = {a} Set has at least two elements  Exists x : S | (exists y : S | y != x )  – Set has exactly two elements         

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The Sagrada Familia: A Testament to Gaudí’s Architectural Genius

Gaudí not only acting as a designer, but was the true master of the works planned and executed it absolutely everything (including thistle, sculptures and even furniture) and lives in the work itself and almost obsessed by it.

Gaud’s repertoire is very broad in Catalonia and beyond, but certainly his most spectacular achievement and the monumental unfinished
Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.

The Sagrada Familia is a temple whose construction initiated Jose Maria Bocabella as promoter and F. Paula

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The Content of Religious Education: Exploring the Christian Message

Topic 4: The Peculiarity of Content in Religious Education

Concept of Content

The content of education has undergone major changes. Traditionally, it was identified with conceptual and cognitive learning. However, educational reform has introduced a new approach where content encompasses everything that is the subject of learning, moving beyond a sole focus on cognitive data. For education to be integral, it is also crucial to learn procedures and values. Therefore, content can be understood as encompassing

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Pastoral Education in Schools: A Comprehensive Guide

ITEM 11: Pastoral Education in Schools

What is Pastoral Education?

Pastoral Education encompasses all the Church’s evangelizing activities related to education. It extends to all areas where evangelization and salvation are relevant.

The School as a Field of Pastoral Action

Schools, like other social institutions, are important areas for pastoral ministry. This includes not only Catholic schools but also public schools where the Church’s presence is requested due to its evangelizing mission.


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