The Client: Novel Study Questions & Answers

The Client – Set 1

Answer the following questions about the novel.

  1. What type of information did Mark provide when he called 911? Why?

    He gave his name. He was afraid if he didn’t, the authorities would suspect his involvement in the suicide.

  2. Who was Roy Foltrigg? Why did he travel to Memphis?

    Roy Foltrigg was a government lawyer. He traveled to Memphis to meet with Mark and try to learn the location of the Senator’s body.

  3. Mark wanted to get in touch with Gill Teal. How did he get Teal’s address? Why didn’
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Marriage: A Private Affair – A Critical Analysis of Chinua Achebe’s Story

Marriage is a Private Affair by Chinua Achebe

Literal Comprehension

This thought-provoking story, “Marriage is a Private Affair,” by renowned Nigerian author Chinua Achebe, explores the complexities of love and marriage across cultural boundaries. The narrative centers on Nnaemeka, an Ibo man, and Nene, a woman from a different tribe, who fall in love and decide to marry in Lagos. Knowing his father Okeke’s staunch traditional beliefs, Nnaemeka delays informing him of the engagement. According to

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Tess of the d’Urbervilles: A Summary and Analysis

What did the parson tell John Durbeyfield? The parson told him that he belonged to the oldest branch of the ancient and noble family of d’Urberville and that her family once owned all the land in the district.

What happened when the three brothers passed the field where the girls were dancing? The youngest and handsomest of the brothers joined the dance with the girls, but Tess, one of the girls, stood a little apart from the others because she was still embarrassed about her father.

What kind of

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The Church in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Transformations and Responses

Key Data of the Time

The new findings of the second half of the nineteenth century developed during the twentieth century. Transportation and communication established new relations between peoples and nations. New literary and pictorial movements emerged. It was the era with the highest number of people killed in wars. Weapons leveled entire cities, and millions of innocents were murdered in concentration camps. In Spain, past tensions resurfaced, leading to severe political and religious clashes.

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The Rise of the Novel: A Literary History and Analysis

The Rise of the Novel: A Literary History and Analysis

The Prose of the World

A Definition

According to the dictionary, a novel is:

  • a fictional prose narrative of considerable length, typically having a plot that is unfolded by the actions, speech, and thoughts of the characters.
  • the literary genre represented by novels.

More Definitions

The novel is a worldwide cultural instrument which helped redefine:

  • the time and space where we live
  • the way we speak and talk
  • how we feel
  • what we do

Hybrid Genre

The novel:

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Understanding Okonkwo: A Study Guide for Things Fall Apart

Literary Terms

Direct Characterization

The author directly tells the reader about a character’s personality and attitude.

Indirect Characterization

The reader has to figure out the character based on their actions, physical appearance, words, and what others say about them.


The reasons that compel a character to act as they do.


An anonymous, traditional story that explains a belief, custom, or mysterious natural phenomenon.

Tragic Hero

A person who is neither completely good nor bad, who commits

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