The Pursuit of Happiness: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Values

The happy man is at peace with himself

The man seeks happiness and freedom.
There have been two types of happiness:

• Man abdineo: order and balance.
2. Dionysian Happiness: for new sensations.
Happiness is a result and life is a means to externalize the most humane thing we
inside, so that happiness is the subjective experience of being good with yourself.

The road to happiness: a set of small illusions

It is a form of travel rather than a final statement, since there is no absolute happiness.

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Following Jesus Today: A Guide to Christian Living

Following Jesus Today

Following Jesus today means establishing a real, though not physical, relationship with Him. This relationship can be described as a friendship that springs from knowing Jesus personally. It is a life-changing experience that transforms us from the inside out.

The Transformative Power of Knowing Jesus

Consider the experience of Paul of Tarsus. His life was radically changed after encountering the risen Jesus. Paul, a Jewish Pharisee, meticulously followed the Law of Moses and

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Understanding the Church: Its Origins, Mission, and Structure

Understanding the Church

Key Concepts


Oil set (Ash Wednesday at the Chrism Mass)




Visible reality that contains a higher, invisible reality.


Source: Lahti, RE = re, Reboot = link, link

Back to unite two realities: the divinity and humanity, the transcendent with the immanent, the higher and lower. The fact is specifically human, has its origins in the recognition of a superior being that transcends and gives meaning to their fundamental questions:

  • Where did
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Transcendentalism and Emily Dickinson: American Literature in the 19th Century

TEMA 9: Transcendentalism

This eclectic movement involved preachers, educators, artists, writers, and intellectuals. Originating in Boston, Massachusetts, it’s considered an American adaptation of European Romanticism. A Transcendentalist is “one who displays a predominant tendency to respect his intuitions.” What is popularly known as Transcendentalism is idealism.

Chief Intellectual Influences:

  • German philosophy: Kant, Hegel
  • The poetic expression of European Romanticism: Goethe, Novalis, Wordsworth


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John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath: A Literary Response to the Great Depression

John Steinbeck & The Great Depression

The Great Depression

The Great Depression was an unprecedented, severe, and long economic downturn. Several factors contributed to its devastating impact:

  • Stock Market Crash of 1929: Led to widespread financial panic.
  • Bank Failures: Over 5,000 banks failed, resulting in the loss of savings and a halt in lending.
  • Low Consumerism: Job losses (over 25% unemployment) and foreclosures (600,000 homeowners) drastically reduced consumer spending.
  • Drought and the Dust
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Glossary of Romanesque and Gothic Architectural Terms



Refers to any vain whose width increases or decreases progressively. Flares are characteristic of the Romanesque period, chiefly, but are also found in Gothic portals between the eleventh and twelfth centuries, as evidenced by the Portico de la Gloria of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela (eleventh century) or the West Gate of Leon Cathedral (thirteenth century).


A thread or molding in front of an arch. It is commonly used in the plural, referring to the set of arcs inscribed

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