Glossary of Romanesque and Gothic Architectural Terms



Refers to any vain whose width increases or decreases progressively. Flares are characteristic of the Romanesque period, chiefly, but are also found in Gothic portals between the eleventh and twelfth centuries, as evidenced by the Portico de la Gloria of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela (eleventh century) or the West Gate of Leon Cathedral (thirteenth century).


A thread or molding in front of an arch. It is commonly used in the plural, referring to the set of arcs inscribed

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Sociology of Religion: A Comprehensive Overview

Chapter 19: Religion – A Sociological Perspective

Defining Religion

Religion is a social institution involving beliefs and practices based on recognizing the sacred.

  • Sacred: What people set apart as extraordinary, inspiring awe and reverence.
  • Profane: Ordinary elements of everyday life.
  • Ritual: Formal ceremonial behavior (e.g., Holy Communion in Christianity).
  • Faith: Belief anchored in conviction rather than scientific evidence.

Functions of Religion: Structural-Functional Analysis

According to Émile Durkheim,

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Architectural Marvels: From Colosseum to Pantheon

The Colosseum

The Colosseum is a monumental building designed to accommodate about 50,000 spectators. This involved incorporating some artificial structures, including one built by Nero in the Domus Aurea. As an act of propaganda, it was called the Coliseum because, beside an artificial lake that connected to the gate of the forums, stood a colossal statue of Nero (portrayed as the God Helio).

The Colosseum features an onion-shaped structure, with different sections of arches used to support the varying

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Bless Our Show: A Joyful Anthem of Gratitude and Performance



Bless our show,

bless our music,

Bless the songs we’re gonna sing.

Bless the stage that we’ll stand on

when we stand and do our thing.

Bless each line, every number,

all the steps that we’ve rehearsed.

And allow us, somehow to be great,

at the worst.

Bless each note,

and each lyric,

help us try to stay on key.

Bless the lights

and the soundboard,

bless our choreography.

From the top of the downbeat

’till the final curtain call

Bless the day,

bless our show,

bless it all!

Well that’s our

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A Comprehensive Study of Religious Beliefs and Practices: Hinduism, Judaism, Rastafari, Indigenous Religions of North America, and Christianity

1.(a) List the Classes of hin

·Brahamians/Priests: highest social class, pure

·Kshatriya: warriors and noblemen

·Vaisya: artisans and peasants

·Shudras: servants

Untouchables : Blacks(b) Write Brief notes on any ONE of the following concepts in Hinduism:
Karma: = deeds/works; one’s thoughts, words, and actions have ethical consequence, Explains problem of suffering and injustice; answer to India’s problems, Famine, illnesses etc. Good acts produce good Consequence. Evil acts lead to Evil consequences;

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The Dark Side of Romanticism: Exploring the Gothic Genre

· It expresses the darker side of life: a world of pain and destruction, fear, and anxiety that shadows the daylight world of love and ethereality.

· It consists of a set of analyzable displacements about what it means to be human and gendered.

· It strains at the limits of mortality/immortality, morality/immorality, reason/emotion, order/disorder, mind/body, and masculine/feminine (Dracula).

· Gothic fictions are structured as case histories of types of insanity. As readers, we are asked to adjudicate

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