Understanding the Book of Exodus: Themes and Symbols


  • Decalogue: The Ten Commandments.
  • Eucharist: A Christian ceremony involving the sharing of bread and wine, representing the body and blood of Jesus.
  • Passover: A Jewish holiday celebrating the Israelites’ freedom from slavery in Egypt.
  • Covenant: A sacred agreement between God and people.
  • Prophecy: A message about the future from God.
  • Burning Bush: A bush that burned without being consumed, where God spoke to Moses.
  • Disciples: Followers of Jesus who learned from him.
  • Prophets: People chosen by God to
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Understanding the Core Principles of Islam

The Features of a Muslim’s Personality

Believing in theory alone is not enough; it is not real faith. Muslims should put into practice everything which reflects the Muslim’s faith.

The Main Principles Observed in Islamic Legislation

  1. The principle of ease, and abandoning objection and oppression. Allah says: “Allah does not want to make things difficult for you” [2:185]
  2. The Principle of justice: all Islamic legislation ensures justice between members of the whole community. This principle preserves
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Christian History: From Theology to Vatican

Theology: A Rational Reflection on God

Theology is a rational reflection on God and the experience of being Christian.

The Anchorite and the Monasteries

  • Anchorite: Vivian practiced an austere lifestyle, leaving behind tangible possessions and seeking peace. They lived in solitude, focusing on prayer and guidance from a teacher, with occasional communal prayer.
  • Monasteries: Monks also lived austerely, renouncing material goods and seeking peace. However, they lived in communities outside of cities.


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Apollo, Dionysus, and Nietzsche’s Philosophy

Apollo and Dionysus: Genealogy of Tragedy

It is the first work inspired by Nietzsche’s Schopenhauer. Tragedy originated through the fusion of two opposing elements of the Greek spirit: the Dionysian and the Apollonian. Nietzsche opposes the classification of the history of Greece into three periods: a dark stage (ancient Greece), a glorious era (the period of Pericles and Socrates in the fourth century), and a final decadent phase (Hellenism). What appeared in ancient tragic drama is pure creativity

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Christianity and Germanic Peoples in the Early Middle Ages

Christianity and Germanic Peoples in the Roman Empire

1.1 Germans and Christians in the Empire: The Empire designated specific regions where Germanic peoples were allotted land as fiefs. The last Roman Emperor was Romulus Augustulus. Three circumstances are notable: the population remained faithful to Catholicism, the barbarians arrived in an already Christianized empire, and the imperial structures miraculously survived. It’s questionable whether the adhesion of western territories kept the Roman

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Erasmus and the Counter-Reformation: Key Aspects

Erasmus and the Counter-Reformation

Erasmus believed that sincerity was key. He saw evil concealed within formalism, blind compliance to tradition, unnecessary consumption, and organizations resistant to change, but never within the teachings of Christ. He envisioned the Christian life as a battle against evil, where the Christian knight defends themselves through knowledge of divine law, reading sacred texts, and mental prayer. He criticized the excessive veneration of images of saints and even

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