Scala Collections: Lists, Sets, and Maps

Scala Lists

Lists are immutable sequences of elements of the same type.

var myList: List[String] = Nil
var c: List[String] = Nil

Adding Elements to a List

  • c = "E" :: c (At front)
  • c = c :+ "MEOW" (At end)

Removing Elements from a List

list diff List(num)

List Operations

  • List.range(0, 10, 2): Creates a list of numbers from 0 to 10 (exclusive), with a step of 2.
  • var x = List.fill(3)("foo"): Creates a list with three elements, all initialized to “foo”.
  • var x = List.tabulate(5)(n => n * n): Creates a list
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Feedback and Suggestions: Gym, Hotel, and Food Services

Student’s Feedback on German Course

Q1. Hi J. Nice to meet you. I have decided to learn German because I need to get a certificate to get into university. However, I don’t really like learning this language. I would prefer to study English.

Q2: I believe that the course is good because the teacher teaches very well and there are only three people in the class. But, on the other hand, I think it’s a disadvantage that the teacher isn’t a native speaker.

Q3: I would feel happy because the teacher, who

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Revenue and Operations Planning Strategies

Revenue and Operations Planning

58) The process of varying pricing at the right time for different customer segments to maximize revenue generated from existing supply capacity is called: D) revenue management.

59) An example of revenue management is: C) two passengers, sitting side-by-side in an airplane, charged different prices depending on [when they bought their tickets].

Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP)

60) Which one of the following statements about sales and operations planning is best?

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Understanding Distributed File Systems: Concepts and Requirements

Introduction to Distributed File Systems

  • A distributed file system enables programs to store and access remote files exactly as they do local ones, allowing users to access files from any computer on a network.
  • File systems were originally developed for centralized computer systems and desktop computers as an operating system facility providing a convenient programming interface to disk storage.
  • A well-designed file service provides access to files stored at a server with performance and reliability
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EMAS vs ISO, Water Use Cycle and Desalination Technologies

EMAS vs. ISO: Key Differences


  • Identifies and evaluates environmental aspects (direct and indirect). Obligatory to demonstrate.
  • Requires a compliance audit.
  • Requires annual improvement.
  • Applies in Europe.
  • Under legal bases. Is obligatory.


  • Requires only a procedure to identify environmental aspects.
  • Only commitment to comply with applicable legal requirements.
  • No compliance audit.
  • Requires periodic improvement without a defined frequency.
  • Applies internationally.
  • Under no legal bases. Is recommended
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Production Planning and Staffing: Problems & Solutions

Production Planning and Staffing Analysis

The following questions refer to data in Tables 15.1, 15.2, and 15.3 (not provided in the prompt, but assumed to be present in the original context). Each question presents a scenario and asks for a specific calculation or decision based on the table data.

78) Use the information in Table 15.1. If the firm is committed to the regular production and overtime production as shown, what level of anticipation inventory would be needed at the start of the first

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