Lexical Analysis and Finite Automata: Key Concepts
Key Characteristics of Context Sensitivity in Lex
- (): Indicates a group.
- (): Indicates a repetition range.
- $: The pattern that precedes it is only recognized if it is at the end of the line.
- ^: Outside the brackets, it indicates that the pattern is only acknowledged if it is at the beginning of the line.
Functions and Variables Provided by PCLEX
- yylex(): Lexical analyzer.
- yytext: This matches the current lexeme.
- yyleng: Length of the current lexeme.
- yylval: A global variable.
- yyerror(): A function that is
Stylistic Devices in Literature: Definitions & Examples
Stylistic Devices in Literature
Alliteration is the repetition of certain sounds, usually consonants, throughout a phrase, verse, or stanza:
…With the traitor wing of light, fan
When alliteration imitates real sounds of nature, it is called onomatopoeia:
Uco, Uco, Uco, Uco, bee-eaters
Paranomasia is the use of words that sound alike but have different meanings:
…As to ants, like so many, like everyone else.
An epithet is an adjective accompanying a noun, expressing
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