COVID-19’s Impact: Reshaping Globalization and World Order

The Impact of COVID-19

As we know, COVID-19 is having political, social, health, and economic effects. But are we aware of the impact this can have on the international order or on globalization?

The current pandemic and its effects could reshape globalization. Furthermore, due to the consequences experienced by the great powers, a new world order will eventually be established. To understand this, we will address new changes in communication, trade agreements, oil relations, and democracies.

New Forms

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Targeting Anti-Smoking Campaigns & Contrasting Lives

Targeted Anti-Smoking Campaigns

Question 1:

“Different anti-smoking campaigns for different people.” This could be a headline for this text because it is about how ineffective anti-smoking campaigns may be among young people. This is due to the fact that every age group needs to be addressed and persuaded in a different way.

Question 2:

  • a) The majority of people who are not 20 years old yet.
  • b) Youngsters think of the present and not of the future.

Question 3:

  • a) Older people can be frightened by the danger
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Thought and Language: Relationship and Reality

Thought and Language

There are three positions that can be held about the relationship between thought and language:

  • Ideas are based on language and depend on it: This position is defended by Edward Sapir, Benjamin Whorf, and Basil Bernstein.
  • Thought is language: This stance was proposed by Max Müller and Karl Marx, and also defended by the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. Language is a system of signs, and they do not necessarily have to be spoken or written.
  • Language is based on thought and depends
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Understanding Scientific Revolution, Ethics, and Science

Understanding the Scientific Revolution

What is understood by the scientific revolution?

It is a phenomenon that radically changed the world’s image. This revolution introduced the hypothetical-deductive method, linking mathematical calculation with experimental verification.

When and where did it take place?

During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Methods: Inductive, Deductive, Hypothetical-Deductive

What is the difference between the inductive, deductive, and hypothetical-deductive methods?


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Catalan Language: History, Evolution, and Sociolinguistics

Catalan: 18th-20th Century

During the 18th century and the first third of the 20th century, Catalan faced repression due to Spanish policies. The Decree of the New Plant restructured sociopolitical life, prohibiting Catalan publicly and fostering diglossia. Repression was stronger in Northern Catalonia. However, Spanish authorities maintained Catalan in certain areas, resulting in a bilingual society.

The Catalan Rebirth (1833)

The publication Homeland marked a cultural revival, extending to Valencia

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Spain’s Accession to the European Union: 1986

Spain’s Integration into the European Union

This text, intended for the general public, examines the political process of Spain’s integration into the European Union (EU). The author, Professor Marroyo Sanchez, Director of the Department of History at the University of Extremadura and author of numerous historical books, details the key events culminating in Spain’s signing of the Adhesion Treaty on June 12, 1985. This signature initiated a period of significant adaptation, particularly within Spain’

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