Historical Materialism: A Theory of Societal Evolution

Historical Materialism

The Foundation of Societal Evolution

Marx and Engels developed the scientific theory of social evolution, known as historical materialism. This theory studies society and its developmental laws. These laws are objective, meaning they exist independently of human consciousness, much like the laws of nature. They are also knowable, and humans utilize them in their practical activities. Through economic, historical, and philosophical analysis, this theory attempts to uncover the

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Understanding Economics: History, Theories, and Factors

The Foundations of Human Economic Activity

Human economic activity is determined by several interconnected spheres: legal (providing a framework), political (regulating and organizing social life), moral (seeking the good), and economic (aiming for the social optimum).

Defining Economics and Political Economy

Economics studies how people in society obtain goods and services to meet their needs. Political Economy, with roots in antiquity (Aristotle), emerged as a distinct field with Antonio de Montchrétien’

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Defining Your Research: A Guide to Social Relevance

Defining Your Research Field

What aspects of reality will your research focus on? Avoid generic topics; instead, concentrate on specific dimensions within the context of your subject.

Tips for Delimiting Your Research Field:

  • Clearly state the reasons for choosing this specific area of social reality, defining key concepts.
  • Define the scope: What is included in your study, and what is excluded? What are the boundaries of your research?
  • Formulate a key problem: Identifying the core issue is crucial. For
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Understanding Politics, Power, and Citizen Participation

Understanding Politics and Power

Politics is popularly understood as the art of governing, a restricted role of the state. The term policy is used to indicate the performance of institutions or segments of society: economic policy, labor policy, environmental policy, education policy.

Politics is the activity that refers to the management of public good. Politics is the set of power relations in society.

Power refers to the power relations that individuals or social groups establish from their position

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Earth Systems, Economic Geography, and Global Development

Earth as a Natural/Physical Environmental System

Earth’s Position in Space

Earth orbits the sun at 67,000 mph, maintaining a delicate balance between gravity and velocity.

Life exists due to Earth’s stable distance from the sun, allowing liquid water and habitable temperatures.

Earth as an Energy/Matter System

All changes on Earth result from energy: inputs, storage, transformation, or outputs.

Two primary energy sources:

Solar Energy: Drives photosynthesis, weather, and food webs.

Internal Earth Energy:

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CCH School of Science and Humanities: Education at UNAM

CCH School of Science and Humanities

The CCH (Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades) School of Science and Humanities is one of the three systems offered by the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) for upper secondary education. The others are the National Preparatory School and B@UNAM, which is the distance learning option for students in the United States and Canada.


The mission is based on the institutional model of the College of Sciences and Humanities’ educational action. Since its founding

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