Understanding Crime, Environment, and Literature

Nowadays, it is an indisputable fact that the number of crimes committed by people of all ages has been increasing for the last decade. If you’re interested in this issue, continue reading this article.

What are the Main Causes of Crime?

Some people who are addicted to drugs break the law to support their addiction. There are a lot of violent films, movies, video games, and YouTube videos which lead some teens to commit crimes. Some youngsters commit crimes because of peer pressure and their need

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Frisian and Basque Education Systems Compared

Frisian and Basque Education Systems: A Comparison

There are differences as well as similarities between the Frisian education system and the Basque education system. This comparison examines geographic and demographic data, educational structures, and the role of multiculturalism and multilingualism in both societies.

Geographic and Demographic Data

The Netherlands is a small country lying mainly in Western Europe. It has a total population of about sixteen million people and two official languages:

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National Security and Defense: Concepts and Structure

National Security and Defense

Security: The degree of confidence that the state gives to the nation through a set of laws.

Defense: The set of measures used by the state for the protection of national security.

Security and Defense: It is the protection that gives the nation, whose performance is the responsibility of the national armed force.

Fields of Power

  • Political Field: Advises the Defense Council and everything related to politics.
  • Economic Field: Studies identified and submitted for consideration
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Human Culture and Socialization Process

The Need for Culture in Human Beings

The closed world of animals contrasts with the open world of human beings. Humans do not have instincts that spontaneously resolve situations characteristic of their habitat, nor are they conditioned by them. The small amount of instinct that could help preserve us is lost forever in the new ways of life that human beings have invented. Since we do not have adequate instinctive responses to our world today, we must devise strategies to overcome our problems. Furthermore,

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President Piñera’s May 21st Speech: Key Announcements

President Piñera’s Speech: May 21st

The President reiterated his commitment to the middle class, stating that the government will improve unemployment insurance for workers who lose their jobs and ensure they do not jeopardize their homes.

Regionalization and Municipal Funding

In terms of regionalization, the President announced an increase in the Municipal Common Fund.

Healthcare Initiatives

He ensured that a bill would be sent to eliminate or reduce the 7% contribution that retirees pay for healthcare.

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Industrial Society: Classes, Urbanization, and Movements

Industrial Society in the 19th Century

Industrial society, a society divided into classes, emerged with industrial workers. The abandonment of the countryside caused changes that affected traditions and the ties that bound families, leading to a new system of family life, employment, and social relations. This especially affected women.

Class Society

Class society was established after a long process, parallel to industrialization and the spread of liberal ideology. It brought legal equality but created

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