President Piñera’s Speech: Key Policy Announcements

On May 21st, President Piñera delivered a speech outlining key policy initiatives and commitments.

Middle Class and Employment

The President reiterated his commitment to the middle class, stating that the government will improve unemployment insurance for workers who lose their jobs and ensure they do not jeopardize their homes.

Regionalization and Pensions

An increase in the Municipal Common Fund was announced. Furthermore, a bill will be sent to eliminate or reduce the 7% health contribution paid

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Social Catholicism: Origins, Youth, and Women’s Roles

Social Catholicism: Origins and Development

Born in Europe, social Catholicism was closely linked to the intransigent anti-liberal causes within the Church and the Catholic world. This arose from the triumph of the liberal revolution and the consolidation of secularizing movements since the mid-nineteenth century. Catholic social action and educational works emerged, promoting the discovery of new forms of poverty on a large scale, generated by the industrial revolution.

Social action and social reform

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Sophists’ Naturalistic Concept of Man and Justice

Key Sources of Democracy

1. The Naturalistic Concept of Man and Justice

We know the idea that the Sophists had of justice mainly from Plato’s Republic. In essence, and what interests us here, the Sophists argued that if people practice righteousness, it is not because this is a good in itself, but for the benefits it brings them, in terms of reputation, honor, and material benefits. Behind this conception of justice, we can easily see an image of man as essentially passionate, moving, above all, looking

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A Brief History of Space Exploration and Its Impact

Mankind’s Dream of Space

Mankind has dreamed about space since antiquity. Throughout history, many civilizations have tried to create machines for spaceflight, but the Chinese, centuries ago, used rockets for military and ceremonial purposes.

The Dawn of Rocket Science

As often happens in science, three different countries (the US, USSR, and Germany) simultaneously developed rocket designs. Fast forward to the mid-1900s, that development improved quickly, and rockets became powerful enough to overcome

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Argentine Nation-State Consolidation: 1862-1916

Campaign of the Desert

Alsina initiated a campaign to extend the boundary south of the Province of Buenos Aires. After Alsina’s death, the young General Julio A. Roca replaced him. Roca’s plan was to be completed in two stages:

  • A general offensive on the territory between the south of the Province of Buenos Aires and the Río Negro.
  • A coordinated movement of several divisions to converge near the present city of Bariloche.

The result was thousands of Indigenous people killed, fourteen thousand reduced

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Race, Inequality, and Obama’s Legacy in the US

Race and Inequality in United States History

Throughout United States history, the issue of race has been a continuing theme of inequality, injustice, and often brutality. From the very beginning, the United States has grappled with race segregation and inequality. We must understand the mindset of the nation to explain it. During the nation’s formation, hierarchies played a decisive role, establishing economic links. These hierarchies are closely related to the colonial status American settlers

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