Textual Properties and Romance Languages: Key Concepts

Text and Properties

Linguistic competence refers to knowing the rules for building sentences. Communicative competence is the knowledge of strategies for constructing texts. A written communication unit meets a specific intention. The goal is to convince and drive full communication. It is announced in a context and has a structure.

Textual Properties

  • Suitability: The message adapts to the intention and situation, considering different factors:
    • Recipient (header)
    • Situation (context item)
    • Item (that is)
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Umayyad Architecture: Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba

Umayyad Architecture: The Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba

The Mihrab and Skylight Chapel

The old constructs of the Mihrab Skylight Chapel were designed to sublimate the space and the recollection of the mihrab. In the ninth century, other work was done. The emir, Muhammad I, son of Abd-al Rahman II, spoke in the mosque at the gate of St. Stephen. The whole area of the arch and its decorative elements were reformed. An inscription on the lintel in Kufic lettering states that Muhammad I performed the remodeling

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Culture and Power: Shaping Society and Media Influence

Culture in Social Anthropology

In social anthropology, culture refers to the acquired knowledge about humanity. It is knowledge about humanity that is learned or acquired, not natural. It includes all aspects of human activity, from everyday behavior to the development of technology. Culture is acquired; it is something we are not born with but something we are born into. It is something we learn by being a member of society through the process of socialization. As it happens in a group, it is also

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Understanding Human Society: A Sociological Perspective

Sociology is a branch of the social sciences that uses systematic methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop and refine a body of knowledge about human social structure and activity.

Historical Roots of Sociology

Sociology has its roots in significant social changes:

  • The Industrial Revolution.
  • The creation of empires.
  • The Age of Enlightenment and scientific reasoning.

Early practitioners developed the discipline as an attempt to understand these social changes.

The Scope of Sociology


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India’s Post-Independence: Poverty and Philosophical Legacy

The Inner Feelings of a Stranger: Post-Independence India

This poem paints a vivid picture of India’s impoverished population after Independence. The poet observes that the Indian subcontinent has the largest number of poor people in the world. He sees the entire East (people from oriental countries) reflected in India itself soon after its independence.

The phrase “latent diseases” refers to the dire living conditions of Indians at the time. The poet notices misery and despair due to the never-ending

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Spanish Constitution of 1812: Principles and Impact

Principles of the Constitution of 1812

The Constitution of 1812 established several key principles:

  • National Sovereignty: This was one of the most controversial issues. Juan Nicasio Gallego supported full national sovereignty, a position that ultimately triumphed in the Courts of Cadiz.
  • Separation of Powers: The executive power was handled by the king, who had a two-year suspensive veto. The judiciary was limited to courts of law.
  • Freedom of the Press: Although partial, it authorized any citizen to
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