Language and Cognition: Understanding Their Interplay

The Form of Knowledge: Language

Language is usually defined as a system of signs expressing ideas. For Saussure, linguistic signs are composed of a signifier and a signified. The meaning is the concept or mental representation of that sign. The signifier is its expression and represents things conventionally. To fix this, it is necessary to predetermine what language is and, if possible, some form of non-linguistic knowledge.

Animal Language and Human Language

Traditionally, it was noted that the fundamental

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Project Organization: Structures and Principles

**Why Organize a Project**

  • Organization helps managers:
  • Minimize weaknesses that consume financial resources.
  • Avoid duplication of effort, matching jobs with people.
  • Avoid the lack of opportunity to acquire a variety of skills that can lead to professional growth of team members.

**The Process of Organization**

  • This is a process that establishes orderly, efficient use of project resources to achieve its goals.
  • It relates to the activity of establishing communication, creating, and maintaining relationships
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John Dewey’s Educational Philosophy: Child-Centered Learning


This text is taken from one of the fundamental works of J. Dewey, The Child and the Curriculum, in which he outlines part of his educational theories and some of the basics of his theory experimentally. It was written in the early twentieth century. John Dewey was an American philosopher and educator of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century who had a great influence on both American and European pedagogy of his time. He was a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Chicago,

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Human Language: Definition, Characteristics, and Processes

Language: Definition and Analysis of the Psychological Process

Language (Provençal lenguatgea) refers to any type of structured semiotic code for which there is a context of use and certain formal combinational principles. There are both natural and artificial contexts.

Human Language

Human language is based on the ability of humans to communicate through signs. Mainly, we use sign language. However, there are different types of language. Human language can be studied in terms of development from

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Performance Evaluation, Labor Relations, and Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

Performance Evaluation

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The Effective Evaluator

  • Conceives performance evaluation as a key factor leading to:
    • Achieving goals with the commitment and contribution of their subordinates.
    • Maintaining communication with their subordinates.
    • Supporting principles of equity between people in the relationship between performance and rewards.
    • Encouraging personal and professional development of their supervisees.
    • Providing the primary motivational element of work: *Recognition and enhancement of the individual
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Stalinism and Fascism: Totalitarian Regimes of the 20th Century

Stalinism: The Struggle for Power

One of the totalitarian regimes, insofar as they involve a direct attack on the rights and freedoms in their own democratic models, was the Stalinist dictatorship, which ruled the USSR with an iron fist from 1925 to 1953. When Lenin fell ill in 1922, two sectors representing different conceptions of the revolution and socialism confronted each other: Trotsky and Stalin.

  • For Trotsky, socialism was impossible without the concert of the international labor movement.
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