International Migration: Impacts on Origin & Destination
Factors That Promote and Restrict International Migration
Several factors promote international migration. Primarily, people move to improve their living conditions and employment opportunities. The differences in the demographic rhythms of developed and developing countries act as an intense and permanent impulse for emigration.
However, some factors restrict international migration. These include political obstacles, particularly when cultures are vastly different, or when it is difficult to assimilate
Read MoreIndustrial Processes, Tourism, and Globalization Impacts
Industrial Processes and Economic Sectors
Key Industrial Components: Raw materials, energy sources, technology, business organization, labor.
Industrial Specialization in Spain:
- Asturias: Mining
- Basque Country: Metallurgy
- Catalonia: Textiles
Tertiary Sector (Services):
- Transformation of resources from the primary sector.
- Provision of services.
- Shift due to new technologies and intangible activities.
Social Services: Planned obsolescence.
Patents: Exclusive rights granted by the government to inventors.
Read MoreUnderstanding Concepts and Operational Definitions in Research
The Concept
The concept itself is a key element in the investigation. The conceptualization of a phenomenon is achieved through the determination of inherent properties that can be described through their similarities, differences, associations, and/or reinforcements. We can refer to any scientific theoretical system called a system of concepts or conceptual system.
“Now, we use these terms to represent phenomena or aspects thereof that we are investigating. Therefore, when we formulate a proposition,
Read MoreSociology’s Origins, Evolution, and Key Currents
Sociology’s Origins and Early Development
Sociology’s exact birth date is unknown, emerging from philosophy, alongside anthropology, psychology, and sociology. It’s believed to have begun around 1750, focusing on standards of living rather than philosophy itself. The period up to 1825 can be considered its gestation or prehistory.
Key Figures and Foundational Ideas
While several figures are recognized as founders, Auguste Comte is noted for his writings on social reality and the need for social rules.
Read MoreCriminal Authorship and Participation: Theories and Definitions
Criminal Authorship and Participation
Theories of Authorship and Participation: There are theories that try to distinguish authorship from participation:
Objective – Formal: The author is the one who executes the criminal act, and a participant is one who facilitates the act (This is the solution in Argentina).
Objective – Materialist: The difference between authorship and participation is found by applying the theory of equivalence of conditions. The author is the one who provides a condition for
New Deal & Rise of Totalitarianism in Postwar Europe
New Deal in the United States
The United States was one of the countries hardest hit by the economic crisis. In 1933, it had thirteen million unemployed. In this situation, the new president, Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt, presented an economic and social program known as the New Deal to end the crisis, which consisted of state intervention in economic activity. The main measures of this program were:
- Helping farmers by paying compensation, in order to reduce their crops and thus cause a rise