Criminal Authorship and Participation: Theories and Definitions
Criminal Authorship and Participation
Theories of Authorship and Participation: There are theories that try to distinguish authorship from participation:
Objective – Formal: The author is the one who executes the criminal act, and a participant is one who facilitates the act (This is the solution in Argentina).
Objective – Materialist: The difference between authorship and participation is found by applying the theory of equivalence of conditions. The author is the one who provides a condition for
New Deal & Rise of Totalitarianism in Postwar Europe
New Deal in the United States
The United States was one of the countries hardest hit by the economic crisis. In 1933, it had thirteen million unemployed. In this situation, the new president, Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt, presented an economic and social program known as the New Deal to end the crisis, which consisted of state intervention in economic activity. The main measures of this program were:
- Helping farmers by paying compensation, in order to reduce their crops and thus cause a rise
Historical Materialism: Marx’s Core Concepts
Marx’s Historical Materialism
This theory is based on the achievements of man in nature and conditions in running the existence of individuals.
A. Levels of Social Structure
The social structure is divided into three levels:
- Economic activities take place for the production of material goods necessary to live. Marx considers this level as the infrastructure of the social structure.
- Legal and political power establishes the mechanisms and rules of a community (represented in the state and law).
- The ideological
Postcolonial Literature and the Windrush Generation
First of all, we can briefly define postcolonialism as a form of literature related to the history of colonialism and its consequences, which include the process of decolonization and the development of the colonies’ independence.
Besides, the prefix “post” has a causal connotation; it means “because”. In fact, a central idea in postcolonial theories was the need to rewrite literature from a local perspective and distance it from the English model taught in colonial education systems.
Moreover, some
Read MoreRepresentative Government vs. Direct Democracy in Modern Society
Representative Government vs. Direct Democracy
The contrast between modern and older democracies is not only based on irreconcilable differences in size, complexity, and extent of modern societies, but also in its undesirability. As the goal of modern states is the joint institutional design of a popular government that allows control of power and safeguards individual rights in large territories, liberal suspicion to the extent of participation is the threat to political stability posed by factions,
Read MoreEvolutionary Psychology: Understanding Human Development
Evolutionary Psychology
Evolutionary psychology is the psychological discipline that studies the behavioral changes that occur in people over their development, in relation to age, from conception to death. It seeks to identify mechanisms to monitor these changes.
Objectives of Evolutionary Psychology
- Identify and disclose changes related to age and experience in physical growth, thinking, and personality.
- Explain the changes and development sequences as general principles (assimilation and accommodation)