Impact of Industrial Revolution on Global Economies

Impact of the Industrial Revolution on National Economies

What did the recent Industrial Revolution mean for national economies? Economic growth, the product of the Industrial Revolution, undoubtedly led to increased well-being and improved quality of life.

Classical Economists’ View on the Modern Economic System

What did classical economists think? They believed that the modern economic system was based on free and decentralized exchange. They posited that the economy contained elements that allowed

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Etxebarria’s Speech: Protectionism and Basque Industry in 19th Century Spain


This text is an informative speech with political and economic content, originating from a historical primary source. It was written at the time of the events it describes.

The author is Federico Etxebarria, then president of the Basque Producers League, a significant business association in the steel and metallurgical industry. He was also the owner of the Etxebarria company in BegoƱa, the first to install a Siemens steel furnace, and a member of the Liberal Party.

In this speech, Federico

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Effective Health Interventions: Strategies, Programs, and Success Factors

Effective Health Interventions

Types of Interventions:

  • Council/Information: Spontaneous, unplanned short speech providing information and reasoned proposals for change, often during consultations. Example: Anti-smoking or dietary advice.
  • Individual Education: Planned consultations addressing specific aspects. Series of organized educational sessions focusing on user capabilities. Example: Diabetes management, nutrition, caregiver support, physical exercise, smoking cessation.
  • Group Education: Programs
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Philosophy: Branches, Purpose, and Relation to Knowledge

Edge Profiles

  • Metaphysics: Thematic studies not related to physical objects.
  • Epistemology or Theory of Knowledge: Studies how human beings know reality.
  • Anthropology: Explaining and detailing the nature of people.
  • Ethics: Analyzing our moral principles and rules of conduct.
  • Political Philosophy: Studies how society is organized and what forms of government are appropriate.

Forms of Political Organization

  • Democracy: Government elected by universal suffrage.
  • Dictatorship: Military government, where a minority
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History of Substance Use: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis

Historical Background of Substance Use


Drug addiction is considered one of the most ancient issues of our civilizations, as its existence has been known for thousands of years. However, historical references can be altered by the considerations set out in seniority in the determination of what was bad and what was not.

Alcohol is one of the substances consumed since the beginning of time. It is deeply rooted in most cultures, except the Islamic one. Etymologically, “alcohol” comes from the

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Understanding Society, State, and Governance: Key Concepts

Society and its Foundations

Society: People are social by nature and live in society. As Aristotle asserted, humans are “social or community political animals.”

Family: This relationship has a unique social value and arises from the marital bond.

Civil Society: There is another kind of human relationship with a higher level of sociability than the family, which includes individuals and families looking to fulfill their needs.

Organization of Common Action: Sharing the currency of work fulfills the human

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