Larra’s Temperament, Ideas, and Romanticism’s Impact

Larra’s Temperament and Ideas

Larra’s Temperament and Ideas: Spirit critical. Bitterness against a society that harshly criticizes intelligence coupled with sensitivity and critical liberal political ideas (Rom. Liberal) and democratic. Ideals of progress and freedom from Spain’s backwardness, political and social mediocrity disillusioned, tragic conception of life. Poor century: contradiction between reality ideal. Final suicide as liberation.

Larra’s Articles

Larra’s Articles:

  • Political articles:
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Richard Hoggart’s Impact on Cultural Studies and Literacy

Theme 3: Richard Hoggart and Culturalism

Culturalism is a school of thought that includes the works of Richard Hoggart, E.P. Thompson, and Raymond Williams. It emphasizes the study of culture as being of crucial importance for a full sociological and historical understanding of a given social formation. Hoggart’s contribution to cultural studies is usually reduced to two very important facts: the publication of his book, The Uses of Literacy (1957), and his founding of the Birmingham Centre for Contemporary

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Reza Shah’s Modernization of Iran: Reforms and Impact

While the removal of Islamic courts did help modernize the country, Reza Shah’s other methods had a more significant effect. In 1925, Reza Shah deposed the remnants of the Qajar dynasty in Tehran and had himself appointed as Shah, thus resurrecting the ancient monarchical custom in Iran. He began his mission of modernization by reorganizing and updating the army and subduing the local tribes, ensuring that the central government held the sole monopoly over the legitimate use of coercion. Reza also

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Sociological Discourse Analysis: Understanding Homelessness and Social Groups

Sociological Interpretation of Discourse

The sociological interpretation of discourse becomes reflexive (double baseline):

  • Active reading: Queries to the text are performed from a polyphony of different social positions within the relevant social field.
  • Egalitarian (passive) reading: Without omitting anything, and without privilege, trying to dismantle and prepare the organization of the text. Literalism, care, and attention to the word or key phrase.

The opportunity to pose questions to the text is

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Effective CLIL Program Implementation: Key Factors & Strategies

Effective CLIL Program Implementation

For optimal progress, cognitive challenge and intrinsic motivation must be infused into teacher-student interactions. Students need appropriate contextual supports to operate at a high level in their L2. These supports apply in all content-based and bilingual education situations, including:

  • Activating prior knowledge and building background knowledge (through the L1 where necessary).
  • Modifying instruction to build sufficient redundancy.
  • Using graphic organizers
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Historical and Cultural Shifts: From Medieval to Baroque Spain

Historical Contexts

Early Medieval Period (11th Century)

  • Born as a result of the heroic spirit of the times.
  • Historical figures become legends.
  • The people needed to know what happened to their heroes and wars; the epic fills this need.
  • These are not historical texts but have parts of literary fantasy; historical details give more credibility.

Late Medieval Period (15th Century)

General Characteristics:

  • Crisis of medieval society during the transition.
  • The medieval world is transformed.


  • Reign of John
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