Attention to Students with Severe Disabilities: Status and Trends

Status and Trends of Attention to Students with Severe Disabilities

Comparison categories for analyzing the reality in several countries: Concept of Special Educational Needs (SEN), identification of deficits, percentage of students enrolled in Special Education colleges, basic regulatory framework, responsibility for education and service delivery models, forms of schooling, status and functions of special schools, curriculum, human resources, family role, and funding of services.

Design of Special

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The Fall of the Ancien Régime and the Rise of Modern Thought

The Fall of the Ancien Régime

A Critical Reason for the Ancien Régime’s Fall

In the first half of the 18th century, Europe was divided into two spheres of influence. Enlightened despotism poorly controlled the stress caused by a new economic aristocracy. This aristocracy demanded increasing political power and social influence, unsettling the lower classes and sowing the seeds of revolution. Meanwhile, the American colonies prospered. Among minorities and intellectuals, the encyclopedic mentality

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Social Sciences in Elementary Education: Content and Methodology

Tema 3. Justification: The need for social science content in elementary education. First, it is used for the purposes of Stage 1, which is to promote children’s socialization, encourage their cultural integration, and contribute to their progressive autonomy of action in their environment (MEC, Ed. Primaria). Therefore, content from different social sciences is required for three reasons: 1. To socialize children; 2. To incorporate them into the culture; 3. To help them integrate consciously and

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Political Power: Influence, Authority, and Legitimacy

Power, Influence, Authority

Political power comprises three key elements: power, influence, and authority.

The Components of Political Power

Exercises of Political Power

Fear: Force threatens the actions or inactions of other actors.

Persuasion: Influence through conviction.

Authority: Trusted reputation.

  • Force or coercion involves limiting others’ access to goods or opportunities (life, liberty, property, etc.).
  • Duress is exercised through financial control to affect others’ freedom of action.
  • Influence
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Community Service Act for Higher Education Students in Venezuela

Community Service Act for Higher Education Students

Part I: Fundamental Provisions

Chapter I: General Provisions

Article 1: Purpose

This law regulates community service by college students aspiring to practice any undergraduate-level profession.

Article 2: Principles

This Act adheres to the constitutional principles of solidarity, social responsibility, equality, cooperation, responsibility, participation, humanitarian assistance, and otherness.

Article 3: Scope

Community service will be provided within

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Educational Organization and Classroom Management

Elements of an Educational Organization

The organization of central planning is defined by its objectives, focusing on accommodating the school context. This involves considering the physical and social learning environment, as well as the socio-family members involved in the educational process. Key operational principles include:

  • Institutional Autonomy: Empowering teachers and the management team to enhance educational activity.
  • Horizontal Structure: Fostering collaboration and integration among
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