Key Factors Leading to the Partition of India in 1947

Question: Explain the factors responsible for the partition of India during 1947.

Answer: The following factors were responsible for the Partition of India:

  • Separate electorates granted by the British to Muslims in 1909 and expanded in 1919 (Government of India Acts of 1909 and 1919).
  • Sectarian slogans used on the basis of religion in the 1920s.
  • Tabligh and Shuddhi movements, music before mosques, the cow protection movement, etc.
  • Communal tensions and riots that deepened the differences between the
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Rockefeller and Vanderbilt: Titans of Industry

America Wasn’t Discovered, It Was Built


Just 50 years after the Civil War, the United States became the greatest superpower the world had ever seen.

  • This landmark transition was due in no small part to a group of innovative businessmen: John D. Rockefeller and Cornelius Vanderbilt.
  • These men constructed a bold vision for a modern America and transformed the greatest industries of our time; they are unequivocally America’s first captains of industry.
  • While they made unprecedented advancements
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Marxist Theory: Capitalist Exploitation and Communism

Formation of Goodwill and Capitalist Exploitation

When an employee works, they produce a value greater than their own wages. The surplus value the worker creates is called goodwill, and that’s where the profit of the capitalist comes from. This is why Marx called the time a worker works for wages necessary labor time, and the time they work to create goodwill surplus labor time. The ultimate goal of capitalism is to profit through capital appreciation.

The means of production are necessary to create

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Autonomous Communities in Spain: Nationalities and Regions

The Territorial and Institutional Projection of the Peoples of Spain

Cultural Value of Nationalities, Regions, and Autonomy

Meaning of Nationalities and Regions and Their Connection to Autonomy

  • Legal Point of View: Article 2 states, “… The Spanish nation is composed of nationalities and regions… The Constitution is based on the indissoluble unity of the Spanish nation and recognizes and guarantees the right to autonomy of nationalities and regions that make it up…” The Spanish nation is understood
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Rationalism vs. Empiricism: 17th Century Philosophy


Brazenness was born at the end of the sixteenth century, a time in Europe that produced numerous social and political changes, like the development of the bourgeoisie and capitalism.

The First Half of the Seventeenth Century

The first half of the seventeenth century helps explain why there was a need for work that deals with the method and why it is argued that “the old road” to knowledge should be abandoned. Also, which currents of thought of his time correlated with the social and political

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Cultural Differences in a Globalized World

Key Factors Shaping Cultural Interactions

In his works, Huntington highlights several key reasons for cultural differences. Firstly, fundamental differences in individual history, language, culture, tradition, and most importantly, religion shape law, ethics, values, liberty, authority, equality, and hierarchy. Secondly, globalization and interactions increase awareness of differences and similarities among people from diverse regions and backgrounds. Thirdly, economic modernization and social change

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