Media Research: History, Phases, and Impact on Attitudes
History of Media Research
Our attitudes are often influenced in two primary contexts: consumer behavior and political campaigns. Advertisers strive to capture our attention and direct it towards specific commercial goods. Research in this field is less concerned with our attitudes and more focused on our behavior.
The behavior underlying our consumer choices is whether we purchase a product or not. Advertisers are not interested in our opinions about a product; they are more concerned with our actions.
Read MoreMaterial Conditions and Social Consciousness: A Marxist Analysis
Both legal relations and forms of state cannot be understood by themselves or by the so-called general development of the human spirit, but merely in the material conditions of life which Hegel sums up, following the precedent of the English and French eighteenth-century, under the name of civil society, and that the anatomy of civil society must be sought in political economy.
In the social production of their lives, men establish certain necessary relations independent of their will, relations
Read MoreImpact of the Industrial Revolution on Society and Politics
**Why Did the Industrial Revolution Change Social and Political Systems?**
The Industrial Revolution had a significant impact on the way of living around the world. Beginning in Britain, where it all started, the absolute monarchy had been replaced by a parliamentary system, and Britain was considered a wealthy and free country. The Industrial Revolution caused many changes, and those changes also affected the social and political systems. With the rise of the bourgeoisie, the social system changed
Read MoreIndian Constitution: Remedies, Secularism, Rights & More
Constitutional Remedies & Article 32
Constitutional remedies /article 32
Writs are formal orders issued by a higher court to a lower court or a public authority. There are five types of writs:
Habeas Corpus: This writ is issued to release a person from unlawful detention. It is a Latin phrase that means “you have the body.” The writ is used to challenge the legality of a person’s detention.
Mandamus: This writ is issued to direct a public authority to perform a duty. It is a Latin phrase that means
Read MoreNew Englishes: Language Contact and Second Language Acquisition
New Englishes (4): Language Contact and Language Acquisition
Acquisition of New Englishes
Acquisition of New Englishes (NEs), a class within the (wider) field of language contact. For some scholars, there are obvious overlaps with Creoles. To be determined: the role and nature of:
- the superstrate
- the substrate languages
Possibility of ‘universals’ of language contact. On the other hand, unlike most contact varieties, New Englishes are commonly the products of educational systems. Second Language Acquisition
Read MorePidgins and Creoles: Evolution of New Englishes
New Englishes (2): Pidgins and Creoles
Historical Context
There are three types of English colony (1 and 2 are ‘settlement’; 3 is ‘exploitation’):
- L1 speakers displaced the precolonial population (e.g., America, Australia).
- More reduced colonial settlements maintained the precolonial population and allowed a proportion of them access to learning English as a second or additional language (e.g., Nigeria).
- The precolonial population was replaced by new labor from elsewhere, principally West Africa (e.g.