Max Weber’s Ideal Types, Capitalism, and Protestantism

Ideal Types

Scientific progress, for Weber, means the gradual elimination of hidden and unpredictable powers and the increasing establishment of calculation and prediction, i.e., the exclusion of magic. Ideal types are stylized reconstructions of reality according to some typical features, elements, or accents, which help us to a rational understanding of reality. The importance of ideal types can be summarized in the following considerations:

  1. The ideal type aims to guide the trial of attributing
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Modern Indian Political Thought: From Swaraj to Social Justice

Characteristics of Modern Indian Political Thought

  1. Nationalism: Modern Indian political thought emerged prominently during the freedom struggle. It sought to create a collective identity among diverse linguistic, cultural, and religious groups. Leaders like Bal Gangadhar Tilak emphasized “Swaraj is my birthright,” and Mahatma Gandhi mobilized masses through movements like the Non-Cooperation and Quit India movements. This thought highlighted the importance of unity and self-governance to overthrow
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Sociology: Key Concepts, Theories, and Social Structures

Core Sociological Concepts

Social Construction: An idea or practice that a group of people agree exists. It is maintained over time by people taking its existence for granted.

Social Order: The relative durability and persistence of social structures across time and space. These norms, roles, and values get “inside” people through socialization…Unavoidable, and most intense during childhood.

Agency and Structure: One extreme: Radical free will. Other extreme: Radical determinism. Incoherent: radical

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Welfare States and Social Movements: Development and Impact

Welfare provision has become a central function of the modern state. There has been a significant expansion of financial, organizational, and human resources dedicated to welfare services. Welfare provision legitimizes state power and political authority.

The Relationship Between Capitalism and the Welfare State

Neo-Marxist Theory (Offe, O’Connor): The state must ensure the reproduction of the capitalist system while maintaining political legitimacy with the working class.

The Dilemma:

  • Decommodification
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Democracy: Principles, Evolution, and Modern Challenges

Electoral Democracy

Electoral democracy is a form of political competition through elections. Key principles include:

  • Popular sovereignty (demos = the people govern).
  • Free, fair, and competitive elections.
  • Right to vote and eligibility for public office.

Difference with autocracy: In a democracy, power is distributed and allows alternation. In an autocracy, power is monopolized.

Minimalist Theory of Democracy (Schumpeter)

Democracy is an institutional mechanism where political decisions are made through

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Discrete Math Problems and Solutions

Truth Values of Compound Statements

Let p and q be propositions with truth values ‘True’ and ‘False’ respectively. Find the truth value of the compound statement (pVq) ^ ~q.


  1. Truth Value of Compound Statement

Given: p = True, q = False

  • ~q = True (negation of False is True)
  • (pVq) = True (since p is True)
  • (pVq) ^ ~q = True ^ True = True

Diagraph of a Set

Consider the set A= {1,3,5,7} with a relation r defined on A as r = {(1,1), (3,5),(5,7), (7,5)}. Draw the diagraph of A.


The diagraph of

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