Understanding Metaneeds and Transcendence for Self-Actualization

Metaneeds and the Pursuit of Knowledge

The metaneeds and potential are the second set of motivational assumptions in the pursuit of knowledge.

The general principle of correlation between aspects of reality and human needs states that every aspect is actually a group of man has needs and vice versa.

Self-actualization needs are a third group of human needs that have to be correlated with a third aspect of reality.

It follows that man has needs of self and in turn to a third aspect.

The third aspect is

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Marxist Theory: Class Struggle and Capitalist Production

The Structure of Society

Marx posits that human societies have progressed through different stages of development. In each of these socio-economic formations, there are three levels:

  • Economic (infrastructure)
  • Legal-political
  • Ideological (superstructure)

The economic level involves activities for the production of material goods necessary for survival. The legal-political level establishes the mechanisms of power and the rules that govern a society, represented by the state and law. The ideological level

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Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities in the EU

**Educational Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in the European Union**

The inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) is one of the most important and influential innovations that education systems have incorporated into their policies and practices in recent decades. In the 1960s, B. Mikkelsen, W. Nirje, and Wolfensberger proposed the principle of normalization for people with mental retardation. This principle asserts the right to develop a way of life as normal as possible

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India’s Cultural Heritage: Traditions, Festivals, and Art

India, with its vast and diverse culture, is home to a plethora of traditions that have been passed down through generations. The roots of Indian traditions run deep, intertwining with history, art, music, and festivals. India’s rich cultural heritage is a tapestry of customs, beliefs, and practices that reflect its people’s deep-rooted history and values. From the vibrant festivals celebrated with zest to the religious ceremonies held with solemn reverence, Indian traditions are an integral part

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Economic and Social Modernization: Key Theories

In the 1950s and 1960s, Walt Rostow was a key thinker on modernization, blending academic work with political roles, such as advising U.S. Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. Rostow proposed that all societies go through five stages of economic growth:

  • Traditional Society: Focus on agriculture, with low productivity.
  • Preconditions for Takeoff: Political unity, trade expansion, and increased investment set the stage for growth.
  • Takeoff: Economic growth becomes constant, investment rises, and technology
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Key Concepts in International Relations: Definitions & Examples

Key International Relations Terms: Definitions and Examples

Here are definitions and examples of key terms in international relations:

  • Absolute / Relative Gains: These terms refer to different ways of understanding the benefits of cooperation. Absolute gains focus on whether a state benefits at all from a cooperative arrangement, regardless of whether other states benefit more or less. Relative gains, on the other hand, focus on how much a state benefits compared to other states. For realists, states

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