Contract Law, Criminal Justice, and Torts: Key Concepts


What are the elements of a contract? Offer, acceptance, consideration, legality of subject matter, contractual capacity (void or voidable).

What laws generally govern contracts? Common law.

What law governs the sale of goods between merchants? UCC (Uniform Commercial Code).

What is an offer? A statement of the terms on which the offeror is willing to be bound.

What is needed for an offer to be effective? Intention to make an offer, definiteness of terms, communication of the offer.

Who is the

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Modal Verbs, Past Modals, and Personal Anecdotes

Lesson A: Rules and Regulations

The Passive of Modal Verbs: Should, Must, Have to, and Ought to – To Talk About Things You Think Are Necessary

Subject + modal verb + be + past participle

Example: They have to be given their freedom.The law ought to be changed.

Negative statements: subject + modal verb + not + be + past participle.

Example: You shouldn’t be allowed to marry at 18.

Lesson B: Crime and Punishment

Get Passive vs. Be Passive

You can also use get + past participle in passive statements:

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