Structuralism, Generativism, and Pragmatics in Literary Analysis

Literature in Structuralism: Stylistics of Connotation and Choice

The analysis forwarded by Jakobson and Lévi-Strauss in “‘Les Chats’ de Charles Baudelaire” is considered to be an exemplary investigation into linguistic poetics, that is, into the verbal structure of a literary composition. The research is a typical sample of the taxonomical methodology of structuralism, which tackles all sorts of units and components on a wide range of linguistic levels:

  • The rhyme pattern (masculine or feminine)
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Monologue, Soliloquy, Sonnets, and Theming in Linguistics

Monologue and Soliloquy

Monologue and soliloquy have similar meanings and, in most cases, can be used interchangeably. The word ‘monologue’ has more senses. It may have the same meaning as a soliloquy. It can be applied to an extended speech uttered by a single speaker who attempts to have the monopoly or exclusive rights or control of a conversation. In a third sense, a monologue is a form of dramatic entertainment, that is, a composition or a poem, in which there is only a single speaker: a comedian’

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