English Grammar and Vocabulary Guide: A Comprehensive Resource

Phrasal Verbs


  • Be down to: To say that something caused a situation or something to happen.
  • Break down: When something breaks and stops working.
  • Calm down: To become calm.
  • Fall down: To fall to the ground.
  • Go down well: When something you do is liked by the people it affects or who are listening/watching.
  • Pour down: To rain heavily.
  • Put something down: To place something you were holding onto a surface like a table. E.g., put your phone down and open the book.
  • Turn down: To reject something. To say no
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A Journey Through Christianity and the Roman Empire

Origins of Christianity

What is Baptism?

A Christian sacrament marked by ritual use, admitting the recipient to the Christian community.

What Does it Mean for Someone to Be Resurrected?

To be raised from the dead.

How Did Christian Martyrs Help Strengthen the Faith of Other Christians?

The courage of martyrs inspired Christians to hold onto their beliefs.

How Did the Zealots Feel About Roman Rule in Judea?

They opposed Roman rule. The Zealots resisted the Romans by force, refused to pay taxes, and killed

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English Grammar: Verb Tenses, Relative Pronouns, and Vocabulary

Present Perfect Simple


have/has + past participle


  1. An action that started in the past and continues until the present.
    Example: Emojis’ popularity has spread since the 2000s.
  2. An action that took place at an unspecified time in the past and is relevant to the present.
    Example: He’s already developed a few apps.

Time Expressions

never, ever, already, just, yet, recently, lately, in recent years, for, since, how long…?

Past Perfect Simple


had + past participle


An action that happened before another

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Stanza Classes in Spanish Poetry: A Comprehensive Guide

Stanza Classes in Spanish Poetry

Theory: Classes of Stanzas

Stanzas are grouped by the number of verses they contain. Here’s a breakdown of common stanza classes in Spanish poetry:

2 Verses

Detached CoupletWhat more consolation do you seek, since with life you turn?8a8a
  • Verses may be of major or minor art (longer or shorter lines).
  • The rhyme may be consonant or assonant.

3 Verses

TrioletWhich will not bear the way, cantoresque aspen and brown ribera, inhabited
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Daniel’s Australian Adventure


  1. What does WWOOF mean, and how does it work?
    It means Willing Workers On Organic Farms. You can work as a volunteer all over the world.
  2. What did Antonio offer Daniel and why was it such an excellent opportunity for him?
    Antonio offered Daniel a chance to work with a magazine, taking pictures and writing stories. Antonio knew the editor and thought Daniel would be perfect for the job. It was an excellent opportunity because it would help finance Daniel’s trip.

Chapter 1

  1. What were Daniel’s travel
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English Grammar Basics: Past Simple Verbs and Modal Verb Could



  • Design = Diseñar
  • Develop = Desarrollar
  • Discover = Descubrir
  • Establish = Crear
  • Explore = Explorar
  • Fly = Volar
  • Invent = Inventar
  • Paint = Pintar
  • Rule = Regla
  • Study = Estudiar
  • Teach = Enseñar
  • Win = Ganar

Life Events:

  • Be born = Nacer
  • Become a grandparent
  • Buy a house = Comprar una casa
  • Fall in love = Enamorarse
  • Get engaged = Comprometerse
  • Get married = Casarse
  • Go to school = Ir a la escuela
  • Have a child = Tener un hijo
  • Learn to drive = Aprender a conducir
  • Leave school = Salir de la escuela
  • Move house = Mudarse
  • Start
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