Useful English Phrases, Grammar, and Vocabulary for Writing

Useful English Phrases for Writing

Common Phrases

  • Many people / Some people argue…: Mucha gente, alguna gente argumenta….
  • It is often said…: Se dice frecuentemente que….
  • However, in my opinion / view…: No obstante, en mi opinión….
  • Firstly, it is true (clear) that…: En primer lugar, es verdad (está claro) que….
  • While it is true that…: Aunque es verdad que….
  • On the one hand, and on the other hand. For example: On the one hand it is true that most teenagers watch videos all day, but
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The Impact of Online Videos on Teenagers’ Reading Habits


In today’s digital age, many teenagers have access to the internet and can watch free videos and films online. While watching online videos is not inherently harmful, excessive screen time can have negative consequences.


Benefits of Online Videos

  • Entertainment: Online videos can provide entertainment and relaxation.
  • Education: Some videos can be educational and informative.
  • Socialization: Teenagers can connect with others through online video platforms.

Drawbacks of Excessive Screen Time

  • Reduced
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Mastering Job Interviews: A Comprehensive Guide

Preparing for Job Interviews

Know Your Audience and Purpose

In technical writing, understanding your audience and purpose is crucial. When writing an instruction manual, use clear and concise language that most people can understand. Similarly, in technical writing, focus on providing information that is easy to comprehend for readers seeking specific knowledge.

Write a Concise Introduction

Keep your introduction brief and informative. Clearly state the target audience and the purpose of the document.

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English Grammar: Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions, and More


Inflexible in Gender and Number



Vendrá enseguida a verlo. (adverb positioned after the verb)

She smiled happily. (adverb positioned after the verb)

Enseguida vendrá a verlo. (adverb positioned before the verb)

He really died. (adverb positioned before the verb)


Ese shampoo es muy bueno. (adverb positioned before the adjective)

María es codiciosa indudablemente. (adverb positioned after the adjective)

Other Adverbs

He almost always uses repellent. (adverb positioned before

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The Baroque Period in 17th Century Spain: Literature, Art, and History

The Baroque Period: A Historical Overview of the 17th Century

Economic Crisis

The 17th century in Spain was marked by economic hardship. A combination of poor harvests, the expulsion of the Moriscos, and a demographic crisis led the country into bankruptcy.

Social Unrest

Social tensions escalated as conflicts arose between the rising bourgeoisie and the established nobility. The gap between the classes widened, leading to increased poverty and begging.

Political Decline

Spain began to lose its dominant

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PR and Marketing Glossary: From Traditional to Digital Strategies

Rundown (Resumen): Summary

Press Releases (Comunicado de prensa): Public Note

A Buzz (Reclamo): Claim

To Entice (Fomentar): To Promote
Conspicuous (Visible): Visible

Keep Track (Controlar Temporalmente): To Monitor

Comb Through (Revisar): Scan

Clipping (Archivar): Archiving

Compiling (Almacenar): Storing
A Public Stance (El Cliente se Posicione): A Public Position

Product Tampering (El Etiquetado del Producto): Product Branding

Buoying (Mejorar/Aumentar): Improving

Account Management (Persona Encargada de las

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