The Scarlet Letter: A Tale of Sin, Punishment, and Redemption

Nathaniel Hawthorne was born on 4 July 1804 in Salem.

A woman he sentenced to death during the witch trials put a curse on him. Nathaniel was aware of the curse, and it emerged in his writings.

Interest in Puritans and in the concepts of sin, punishment, and evil.

In 1828, he published his first anonymous novel, Fanshawe, which was not a success.

In 1837, he published a collection of short stories, Twice-Told Tales.

He married Sophia Peabody in 1842, and they had 3 children.

In 1849, he left his job and

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The Dangers of Dangerous Selfies

Nowadays, most people share the view that selfies are fashionable, especially young people. It is no news that by taking pictures and uploading them to social media, you can earn a lot of money. But how far are people willing to go for money?

Avoiding Accidents

To avoid an accident, it would be best to avoid taking pictures with animals, as they can cause us permanent damage.

It is also not a good idea to photograph yourself in areas with many vehicles, such as cars or trains, especially in high-speed

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Travel Guide to Salamanca

Conference Venues

There are many places to hold a conference, but one of the most famous and spacious in the city center is __. It has large rooms (with capacity for 300 people), dining rooms, large screens … We can also show you other places, but you have to keep in mind that they will not be so large and central.


We offer all kinds of excursions, such as sports, cultural, family, for children … One of the most demanded is the excursion to ——.


As you may know, Salamanca

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A History of Spain: From Pre-Roman Times to the 19th Century

1. Pre-Roman and Roman Spain

1.1 Paleolithic and Neolithic

The origin of the human species is in Africa. The Iberian Peninsula was very important for European hominization, as demonstrated in Atapuerca, a site where several phases of evolution are found. During prehistory, social and economic relations changed. In the Paleolithic period, people had a predatory economy based on hunting and gathering and a nomadic life with egalitarian societies. In the Neolithic period, they had a productive economy

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A Guide to English Verb Tenses

English Verb Tenses

Present Simple

  1. Affirmative Sentences: Subject + verb.
  2. Negative Sentences: Subject + auxiliary verb (to do) + auxiliary negative (“not”) + verb.
  3. Interrogative Sentences: Auxiliary verb (to do) + subject + main verb?


  • To talk about things that happen habitually.
  • To talk about general truths or scientific facts.
  • To talk about scheduled events in the near future.
  • To give instructions (the imperative).

Present Continuous

  1. Affirmative Sentences: Subject + auxiliary verb (to be) + verb + “ing”
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Spanish Grammar and Vocabulary for Housing

Spanish Complements

C. Predicativo: Complementa al verbo y al sujeto, acompaña a un verbo predicativo “normalmente es un adj”/ llegó mareado CRV: Verbo lo exige con sintagma preposicional/  el gerente confía (en tu capacidad de decisión) C. Medida Argumental: Argumento de los verbos durar, medir, pesar C. Locativo Argumental: Argumento de los verbos vivir, residir CD: Sobre la que recae la función del verbo. Para hallar el complemento directo le tengo que preguntar al verbo ¿qué? o ¿a

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