Common Business English Phrases and Economic Terms

Work and Education

Which Companies Have You Worked For?

¿Para qué empresas has trabajado?

Have You Ever Worked Abroad?

¿Has trabajado alguna vez en el extranjero?

What Did You Study at University?

¿Qué estudiaste en la universidad?

Did You Do a Master’s?

¿Hiciste algún máster?

I’ve Worked for Several Large Companies

Yo he trabajado para varias grandes compañías.

I Left ZY Systems in 1994

Yo dejé ZY Systems en 1994.

I Joined My Current Company a Year Later

Yo entré en la empresa un año más tarde.

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Understanding Sentence Structure and Grammar in Spanish

Coordinated Sentences

Coordinated sentences are as important as each other and are connected by coordinating conjunctions. There are four types of coordinated sentences:

  • Copulative: These sentences are added together, and the conjunctions are: e, and, not. For example: Neither do I know, nor do I care.
  • Disjunctive: The meaning of one excludes the other, and their conjunctions are: o, u. For example: Walk faster, or I’ll go alone.
  • Adversative: The meaning of the second sentence corrects the first, and
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English Grammar Tenses and Conditionals: A Comprehensive Study

English Conditionals and Tenses

Zero Conditionals: (General truths, facts…)

If + Subject + Verb (Simple present), Subject + Verb (Simple present)

You get tired if you run a lot.

First Conditionals: (Probable situations)

If + Subject + Verb (Simple present), Subject + Verb (Future simple: will/won’t + Infinitive)

If she studies hard, she will pass the exam.

Second Conditionals: (Hypotheses, improbable situations…)

If + Subject + Verb (Simple past), Subject + Verb (Conditional simple: would/wouldn’t +

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Heart of Darkness: Themes, Analysis, and Characters

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

1- Background of the Work

Historical Context:

The story is set in the 19th century, during the era of colonization, imperialism, and the Second Industrial Revolution, when industrial nations sought colonies for raw materials to reduce production costs.

The events take place in an English colony, as suggested throughout the work.

The book was written in 1902.


Heart of Darkness centers around Marlow, an introspective sailor, and his journey up the Congo River to

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Essential English-Spanish Vocabulary: Enhance Your Language Skills

Essential English-Spanish Vocabulary

  • Moda (fashion): fad, fashion, craze
  • Mejorar, aumentar: to enhance
  • Ingeniero: engineer
  • Finalmente, al final (finally): eventually, in the end
  • Miedo: fear
  • Fiero: fierce
  • Inundación: flood
  • Pronóstico: forecast
  • Compañero de piso: flatmate
  • Injusto: unfair
  • Sin sentido: pointless, senseless
  • Riesgo: hazard
  • Meterse con alguien: to pick on sbdy
  • Excluir a alguien: to leave sbdy out
  • Ingenuo, crédulo: naive
  • Librarse de: to get rid of
  • Desaprobar algo: to disapprove of
  • Mala educación: impoliteness
  • Llevar
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F. Scott Fitzgerald: Life, Works, and The Great Gatsby

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was born on September 24, 1896, in St. Paul, Minnesota. He was one of the most important writers in the USA and a social historian who gave the Jazz Age its name.

Jazz became very popular in the 1920s with great musicians such as Louis Armstrong and Benny Goodman, and with the invention of the phonograph record.

Fitzgerald’s fiction is a rich, detailed, and realistic account of American life in the 1920s. Most of his life was a struggle between

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