English Grammar Guide: Tenses, Conditionals, and Conjunctions

English Grammar Guide

Reported Speech

That can be used or omitted after the main verb:

  • He said he wasn’t going.
  • He said that he wasn’t going.

Changes in Reported Speech:

  • tomorrow → the next day / the following day
  • yesterday → the day before
  • here → there
  • this / that → the
  • this morning → that morning
  • today → that day
  • tonight → that night
  • next / on Tuesday → the following Tuesday
  • last Tuesday → the previous Tuesday
  • the day after tomorrow → in two days’ time
  • ago → before / previously

Personal pronouns,

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English Grammar: Passive and Causative Structures

Common English Word Roots

resent – resentment – resentful

manage – manager/management – managerial

differ – difference – different

qualify – qualification – unqualified

advance – advancement – advanced

rely – reliability – unreliable

Passive Voice (subject + to be + past participle)

Examples with Two Objects

→ They gave Mary some bad news = Le dieron (malas noticias) (a María)

  • Some bad news were given to Mary = A María le dieron malas noticias

  • Mary was given some bad news = María recibió malas noticias


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Marketing and Sales Management: A Comprehensive Guide

T 1: Marketing and Sales Management

Understanding and Satisfying the Customer

The primary premise of marketing is to “understand” consumers, the environment, and competitors to “attend” to their needs with the best products/services. Philip Kotler summarizes this idea: “The goal of selling is to meet a customer need; the goal of marketing is to identify and meet that need profitably.”

Marketing Process

Identify needs → I. target → win clients/leads → Build loyalty (cust, faithfull) → Customer

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Conceptos Fundamentales de Cálculo en Varias Variables

Límite de una Función en un Punto

Se dice que l ∈ Rq es el límite de f en el punto a y lo denotaremos lim x->a f(x) = l, si ∀ε>0, ∃δ>0 tal que x existe en B*(a, δ)∩C -> f(x) ∈ B(l, ε)

Función Definida en un Abierto

F es de clase Cr en C si: f tiene sus pr derivadas parciales de orden r (r≥1) en C y éstas son continuas en C. Se dice que f es de clase Cr en a ∈ C si es de clase Cr-1 en un entorno de a, tiene sus pr derivadas parciales en orden r (r≥1) en un entorno

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Cost Classification Systems

Cost Calculation Based on Time and Nature of Operation

Cost by Specific Planning Order Application (Unit, Request)

Historical Process Cost (Volume)

Estimated Work Order Cost

Predetermined Standard Process Cost

1. Based on the Timing of Cost Calculation:

1.1. Historical Costs: (Past, Absorbed, Consumed Costs). In historical systems, cost calculations are made with actual data, therefore, they are known after the operation is complete.

1.2. Predetermined Costs: (Future, Projected Costs). In predetermined

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Essential Vocabulary and Grammar Guide


Money and Shopping

  • To be short of money: estar corto de dinero
  • To be on a tight budget: tener un presupuesto limitado
  • To shop around: ir de compras buscando lo que tiene mejor precio
  • To browse: buscar
  • To get ripped off: ser timado
  • High street stores: calle principal de tiendas (como calle Larios)
  • To go window shopping: mirar escaparates
  • To be good value for money: merecer la pena
  • Carrier bag: bolsa
  • The packaging: el envoltorio
  • To pick a real bargain: encontrar un chollo
  • Brand: marca
  • Purchase: compra
  • Turn
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