English Irregular Verbs: Infinitive, Past, and Meaning
English Irregular Verbs
Infinitive | Past | Meaning |
Be | was/were | ser, estar |
Become | became | llegar a ser, convertirse |
Begin | began | empezar, comenzar |
Bring | brought | traer, llevar |
Build | built | construir |
Buy | bought | comprar |
Can | could | poder, saber, ser capaz |
Catch | caught | coger, atrapar |
Choose | chose | elegir, escoger |
Come | came | venir |
Cost | cost | costar |
Do | did | hacer |
Draw | drew | dibujar |
Drink | drank | beber |
Drive | drove | conducir |
Dwell | dwelt/dwelled | habitar |
Eat | ate | comer |
Fall | fell | caer |
Feed | fed | alimentar |
Find | found | encontrar |
Fly | flew | volar, pilotar |
Get | got | obtener, conseguir |
Give | gave | dar |
Go | went | ir |
Have | had | tener, |
Essential Vocabulary: Time Out, Music, Reading, Health & More
Time Out
- Afterwards – después de esto
- Be keen on – encantar
- Eat out – comer fuera
- Go out – salir
- Good at – bueno/a en
- Jog – hacer footing
- Laugh – reír
- Leisure – tiempo libre
- Spending time with – pasar el tiempo con
- Team games – juegos de equipo
- Bass – bajo
- Break up – separar
- Choir – coro
- Chorus – estribillo
- Format – soporte
- Live – en directo
- Music stand – atril
- Musician – músico
- Record – disco
- Recorder – flauta
- Recording – discográfica
- Record company – compañía discográfica
- Tune (noun) – melodía
- Tune
David Bowie’s Modern Love: Lyrics and Analysis
David Bowie
Modern Love
I don’t want to go out
I won’t stay in
Get things done
I catch a paper boy
But things don’t really change
I’m standing in the wind
But I never wave bye-bye
But I try, I try
There’s no sign of life
It’s just the power to charm
I’m lying in the rain
But I never wave bye-bye
But I try, I try
Never gonna fall for
Modern love – walks beside me
Modern love – walks on by
Modern love – gets me to the church on time
Church on time – terrifies me
Church on time – makes me party
Church on time – puts my
English Verb Tenses and Grammar
Present Simple
Present Simple indicates actions that happen regularly, not necessarily at this moment.
- I play tennis.
- Do you play tennis?
- I don’t play tennis.
- He works in an office.
Present Continuous
Present Continuous describes things that are happening at the moment of speaking.
- I am speaking English.
- You are dancing in the street.
- Am I playing football?
- I’m not playing this.
Present Perfect
Present Perfect describes actions that happened in the past but have a connection to the present.
Read MoreCommon English Idioms and Expressions: A Comprehensive List
Common English Idioms and Expressions
Actions and Challenges:
- Chew – masticar
- Bites – picadura
- Needle – aguja
- Stride – zancada
- Crack – cascar
- Pie – pastel
- Haystack – paja
- Baptism – bautizo
- Tough – dura
- Nut – tuerca
- Depth – profundidad
- Deep – profundo
- Uphill – cuesta arriba
- Heavy – duro
- Bed – camino
- Clues – pista
- Ropes – cuerda
- Rusty – oxidado
- Brains – sesos
- Screwed – roscado
- Nature – natural
- Pick – recoger
- Slip – deslizarse
- Blank – en blanco
- Tip – punta
- Sieve – tamiz
- Jog – escabuyirse
- Dim – oscuro
- Barking – ladrido
- Slip – traspie
- Goose
Spanish Verb Conjugations and Sentence Construction
Present Indicative
- tener (yo) → Tengo muchos libros en mi habitación.
- buscar (yo) → Busco las llaves que perdí ayer.
Present Subjunctive
- caber (ella) → Es posible que ella quepa en ese pequeño asiento.
- disminuir (ustedes) → Espero que ustedes disminuyan el uso de plástico.
- averiguar (usted) → Es necesario que usted averigüe qué sucedió en la reunión.
- reconocer (nosotros) → Es importante que reconozcamos nuestros errores.
- organizar (tú) → Te sugiero que organices tu agenda antes