Java Program for Course Enrollment Management

Fifth Assignment: Collections

Question: Design a Java program to manage course enrollment details using an ArrayList. Implement the following functionalities using built-in methods (such as add(), set(), size(), remove(), clear(), contains(), isEmpty()) and user input:

a. Include course_id, course name, students enrolled, student_name, and student_id.

Use built-in methods to add this entry to the ArrayList. Display a success message after adding the entry.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.
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Internal Migration in Spain: Past and Present

Internal Migration Movements in Spain

Understanding Migration

Migration is the movement of people in space. We must distinguish between emigration (departure of the population from their place of origin) and immigration (the arrival of a target population). Net migration is the balance between emigration and immigration. It is positive if immigration is higher and negative if emigration is higher.

Internal Migrations

Internal migrations are movements of people within the borders of a country. We can

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