Curricular Material Design for Engaging English Classes
1. Introduction
One of the main functions of teachers is to plan carefully the teaching/learning process as it is set in Order 130/2023 January 23rd. In addition to this, according to the LOMLOE, the Royal Decree 157/2022 and the Decree 61/2022 (in Madrid), the main goal of foreign language teaching is > (general objective f). For this reason, not only the elements of the curriculum have to be adapted to the students’ characteristics, but also the resources used in the teaching-learning process.
Read MoreCommunicative Methods in English Language Teaching: A Comprehensive Guide
TOPIC 14: Methods and Techniques for Acquiring Communicative Competence in English Teaching
1. Introduction
Numerous methods and approaches have been developed in the pursuit of the most effective way to teach a foreign language. The wide array of available methods may seem overwhelming rather than helpful to some teachers. It’s best to adopt a flexible and practical approach, recognizing the strengths of each method—in other words, to be eclectic.
Therefore, it’s advisable for English teachers to
Read MoreEffective Classroom Management in English as a Foreign Language
1. Introduction
Classroom management is an essential tool for teachers to facilitate student learning. Effective organization of its various aspects enhances teaching efficiency, improves learning activities, and cultivates a positive and productive learning environment.
The Royal Decree 157/2022 and Decree 61/2022 in Madrid mandate specific language proficiency levels for Primary Education students. These decrees highlight the importance of communicative competence and necessitate careful consideration
Read MoreLinguistics in Foreign Language Teaching: First and Second Language Acquisition
TOPIC 6: Contribution of Linguistics to Foreign Language Teaching
The Language Learning Process: Similarities and Differences When Teaching and Learning the Mother Tongue and a Foreign Language
1. Introduction
Our standing Law in Education (LOE) 2/2006, May 3rd, which has been modified by LOMLOE 3/2020, December 29th, and its curricula, enforced in both RD 157/2022, March 3rd, and Decree 61/2022, July 13th, state that “the domain of a second language has become a priority in this global world we are
Read MoreEvolution of Foreign Language Teaching Methods: From Grammar Translation to Modern Approaches
TOPIC 13: Evolution of Foreign Language Teaching: From Grammar Translation Methods to Current Approaches
1. Introduction
Many different methods and approaches have been devised in the search for the best way of teaching a foreign language. To some teachers, the wide variety of methods available may be confusing rather than helpful. It is best to have a flexible and practical attitude and recognize the advantages of each method, that is, to be eclectic. One of the main advantages is the possibility
Read MoreLearner-Centered Approach to Foreign Language Teaching: Motivating Students and Fostering Communicative Competence
1. Introduction
Traditionally, the central issue in Foreign Language teaching was the teaching itself. It was considered a matter of methodological techniques, and if teaching was efficient, learning would automatically follow. Therefore, learning was seen as a passive process.
Since the 1970s, however, the emphasis has gradually shifted to the process of learning, changing from teacher-centeredness to learner-centeredness. Our current educational system, ruled by LOE and modified by LOMLOE, has been
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