Overview of Language Teaching Methods

Grammar Translation Method

Latin, which was the second language, was taught at school, focusing on grammatical rules, vocabulary memorization, and conjugation and translation. The classical method was adapted as a way of teaching foreign languages.

This methodology is based on grammatical rules to translate sentences and texts. The vocabulary was based on reading texts and was learned through lists and by heart. Reading and writing were the main skills, while no attention was paid to pronunciation

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The Tertiary Sector: Services in the Economy

What is the Tertiary Sector?

The tertiary sector provides services to the general population and businesses. These services may include transport, communications, trade, tourism, healthcare, and education.

Types of Services Provided by the Tertiary Sector

There are two main types of services provided by the tertiary sector:

  • Private services are provided by businesses to obtain a profit. These services are paid for directly by consumers.
  • Public services are provided by the state to improve the quality
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Empowering Language Learners: Strategies and Resources for Active Learning and Self-Assessment

Activities to Train Strategies and Equip Learners for Active Learning

Training Cognitive Strategies

These activities aim to enhance learners’ knowledge of effective learning methods and develop the strategies they need. Instead of relying on teachers to provide explanations, learners are trained to use techniques such as identifying clues in text, understanding affixes, and consulting dictionaries to establish word meanings independently. Encouraging the use of textbooks as resources, searching for

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Characteristics and Strategies of a Good Language Learner

Characteristics of a Self-Directed Learner

  • Know their needs and work productively with the teacher towards the achievement of objectives.
  • Learn both inside and outside the classroom.
  • Can take classroom-based material and build on it.
  • Know how to use resources independently.
  • Learn with active thinking.
  • Adjust their learning strategies when necessary to improve learning.
  • Manage and divide the time in learning properly.
  • Don’t think the teacher is a God who can give them the ability to master the language.
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Patriotic Schools in 18th Century Murcia: A Historical Analysis

Elementary School Royal Economic Society

1. A Real Body Illustrated

At the end of the 18th century, the population was in need of knowledge to help the country overcome its difficult situation. As schools began to be created, some as additions to existing ones, “economic societies of friends of the country” arose to address the economic, cultural, and social issues of the time. These societies, supported by King Carlos III, were well-received and soon began to emerge in various parts of the country.

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Essential Business English Vocabulary for Success

Aim for
Aspira a-Jack is aiming for becoming the president of the company somebody. 

Bachelor´s degree-

a university degree
Most well-paying jobs today require at least a bachelor’s degree. 

Be in high demand-

ser popular-be popular-                   


Auge-be very successful-The boom of the 1920s ended with the Wall Street Crash.



it is a place where you can buy sth or get some info- The knitting club has a booth at the county fair this year.

Be screened

Ser examinado-be examined

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