Combinational & Sequential Systems, Circuits, Resistors, Capacitors

Difference Between Combinational and Sequential Systems

Combinational systems are characterized by their outputs, which depend only on the value of their inputs. In sequential systems, the values of the outputs at any given time depend not only on the inputs but also on the state in which they are.


A multiplexer is a circuit that allows the selection of which of several input data lines should appear on a single output line. Its main application is to send data through a single output

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Architectural Glossary: Terms and Definitions

Architectural Glossary

Common Terms and Definitions


Bolt: A bar made of wood or metal that slides into a socket and is used to fasten doors and gates.


Clash: A conflict, as between opposing or irreconcilable ideas.
Contractor: A company that agrees to furnish materials or perform services at a specified price, especially for construction work.
Cross-Section: A section formed by a plane cutting through an object, usually at right angles to an axis.
Cutaway: A model or diagram of an object with part of

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Exchange Server Mailbox Configuration: Step-by-Step

  1. Creating a New Storage Group

    Server Configuration -> Mailbox -> … -> New

  2. Creating a New Mailbox Database

    Server Configuration -> Mailbox -> Select the created storage group -> New Mailbox Database

  3. Creating and Configuring the Postmaster Mailbox

    Recipient Configuration -> Mailbox -> New Mailbox -> Enter all details and select the created database.

  4. Creating an SMTP Send Connector

    Organization Configuration -> Hub Transport -> New Send Connector -> Name and Internet –

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Communication and Spreadsheet Terms Explained

Communication and Spreadsheet Terms

Here’s a breakdown of common terms related to communication technologies and spreadsheet software:

Communication Terms

  • Size: In a wave, the “height” that reaches the same maximum.
  • Wire Communication: Communication established by a physical cable connection between the transmitter and receiver.
  • DVD: A storage medium with a capacity of up to 17 GB, commonly used for storing movies.
  • Wireless Communication: Communication without any cable between the transmitter and receiver,
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Fuel Injection System: Components, Types, and Advantages

Fuel Injection System: Components and Types

A fuel injection system delivers fuel into an internal combustion engine. Here’s a breakdown of the key components and types:

  1. Fuel Tank: The fuel reservoir.
  2. Fuel Pump: Typically an electric roller pump, it delivers more fuel than needed to the fuel rail. This ensures sufficient pressure and prevents fluctuations when injectors or the pressure regulator activate.
  3. Fuel Filter: Removes impurities from the fuel.
  4. Fuel Line: Connects the fuel pump to the fuel rail.
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Structured Cabling: Vertical and Horizontal Wiring Explained

Vertical Wiring

Vertical wiring is responsible for carrying the communication signals throughout the building. The vertical cable connects the switching cabinets of all floors to the horizontal UTP equipment.

Cabling room: UTP cable up to 800 meters long, FTP cable up to 800 meters long, and up to 90 meters for data transmission topology connecting the horizontal distribution panels.


This is the place where the communication cables converge. It contains wiring hubs, switches, rack-mounted cabinets,

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