Mechanical Components: Cams, Gears, Brakes, and Belts

Types of Cams and Followers

Cams are rotating or sliding pieces in a mechanical linkage that drive follower components with a specific motion. The main types of cams include:

  • Radial or Disc Cams: These have a contour on the surface of a rotating disc to guide the follower.
  • Cylindrical Cams: These feature a cam profile on the surface of a cylinder.
  • Translating Cams: These cams move in a straight line rather than rotating.

Followers are components that are driven by the cam to perform specific motions.

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Understanding Machines: Types, Mechanisms, and Principles

A machine is a set of parts or assemblies, each capable of using, transforming, managing, or regulating the action of a force, muscle, or other source, to assist people in their daily work. Any machine is formed by a series of mechanisms composed of fitted parts, allowing energy to be converted into another form of energy. Tools are hand implements used for working materials. When these tools are mounted on machines that replace human action with a series of mechanical movements, it becomes a machine

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Vehicle Suspension Systems: Springs, Shocks, and More

Vehicle Suspension Systems


Formed by a cylindrical rod (10 to 14mm), made of special steel and helicoidal in shape. They exert a force; when the length decreases, the force increases. Upon cessation of force, they return to their initial state. They have a poor ability to store energy, so they need a damper to absorb the spring’s reaction.


Constructed of elastic steel, they have a weak performance in elasticity. They are united towards a bolt and clamps.

Torsion Bars

Solid bars made

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Computer Security: Threats, Measures, and Best Practices

Computer Security Fundamentals

Security: The characteristic of a system indicating it is free from danger, harm, or risk and is somehow infallible. Computer Security: A set of actions, tools, and devices needed to provide a computer system with confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Reliability: The probability that a system behaves as expected.

Objectives of Security

The core objectives are confidentiality, integrity, and availability. In a computer system, the following must be protected:

  1. Hardware,
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Semiconductor Devices: Diodes, Thyristors, and Transistors


In this polarization, negative atoms are attracted by the positive, and the negative by the positive, i.e., there would be a reversal of the current.

Zener Diode

This type of diode works like a normal one, but when reverse biased, it allows current to flow from a particular value of the bias voltage. This diode has a stabilizing function when the value of this variable exceeds the reverse bias. Conduction occurs in the opposite direction to establish a current through the Zener, and the resistance

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Electrical Terms: English to Spanish Dictionary

Electrical Terms: English to Spanish

This table provides a list of common electrical terms with their Spanish translations.

English TermSpanish Translation
Buried serviceservicio enterrado
Keyed switchinterruptor de llave
Bonding wirecable de atar
Captapa visera
Panel bondbornero
Double pole switchinterruptor doble
Single pole switchinterruptor 1 polo
Split bolt
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