Understanding Vehicle Wheel Alignment: Key Angles & Adjustments

Understanding Vehicle Wheel Alignment

Components: Command bars, adjustment tie rods, angular levers, and hinges.

Key Alignment Angles

  • Convergence (Toe): Measures the parallelism of wheels on the same axle, in millimeters or degrees.

  • Camber: The angle of the wheel’s vertical tilt, measured in degrees.

  • Departure Angle (Caster): The inclination of the steering pivot relative to the tire’s vertical axis.

  • Forward Angle (Kingpin Inclination): The pivot axis angle to the vertical, viewed from the side. Positive

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Electronics and Electrotechnical Fundamentals


electrical phenomena, basic circuits, production and generation of electricity / electronics:
the study of electrons and their applications in the processing and transmission of information / historiques stages:
Electronic termoioniques vacuum valves, electronic electron transistors and integrated circuits / benefits diodes, transistors:
they are more solid and robust, more resistant to scratching, a much smaller volume, a longer life and improved signal processing / DC: displacement

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Aircraft Engine Power, Operation, and Components

Aircraft Engine Power and Performance

  • Theoretical Power (1) – Energy released from fuel combustion, representing total fuel energy.
  • Indicated Power (2) – Power developed by gases acting on the piston.
  • Effective Power (3) – Power delivered to the engine’s propeller shaft.
  • Maximum Power – The maximum effective power the engine can provide for a short time.
  • Nominal Power – The maximum effective power the engine is designed to provide for an extended period.
  • Friction Power (5) – Power lost due to friction
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Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) & Other Broadband Technologies: A Detailed Look

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) and Other Broadband Technologies

1. Loop Telephone Modem (DSL)

The primary advantage of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) is that the necessary infrastructure is already installed. However, the available speeds are relatively low, which restricts the set of accessible services and imposes limitations on the subscriber.

2. Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) necessitates restructuring in terms of access to housing. Its use is

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Electrical Circuit Classification, Protection, and Automation

Electrical Circuit Classification

Electrical circuits can be classified, from an electrical standpoint, into DC circuits and AC circuits. AC circuits may be single-phase or three-phase.

From a technical point of view, electrical circuits can be classified into the following categories:


  • Power circuits: For high consumption devices other than lighting.
  • Lighting circuits: For providing electric light in premises and homes.
  • Safety and emergency circuits: Legally required in many buildings, such as exit
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Wave and Tidal Power: Technologies and Methods

Wave Power Systems

Tapered Channel (TAPCHAN)

The Tapered Channel, or TAPCHAN, is used to divert water into a reservoir. It is generally constructed on a cliff, providing a higher water head. Electricity is generated with the help of a Kaplan turbine placed in the tank that receives the water. The narrowing of the channel increases the wave amplitude, causing it to spill over the walls of the channel and into the reservoir.


  • Low maintenance costs
  • Reliability
  • Use for peak load supply


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