Understanding Basic Electrical Concepts
Electricity Basics
Introduction to Electricity
Electricity is the movement of electrons through a conductor, such as a wire. This movement requires an energy source, like a generator.
Types of Current
Direct Current (DC)
In direct current, electrons flow continuously in one direction, from the negative to the positive terminal of a power source. Examples include batteries and flashlights.
Alternating Current (AC)
In alternating current, the flow of electrons changes direction periodically. This is the
Read MoreFire Alarm System Wiring and Installation Requirements
10.6.2 Wiring Installation Requirements
The following requirements shall be met for wiring installation: Conductor Specifications
All conductors shall be a minimum of #16 gauge solid copper, type THHN, THWN, or TFN. All wiring shall be run continuously from device to device. Circuit Separation
The minimum separation between outgoing and return circuits shall be a minimum of one foot vertically and four feet horizontally, in accordance with the provisions of NFPA-72
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Network Topologies
Mesh Topology
Definition: Each device has a dedicated point-to-point connection to every other device.
- High redundancy: If one device fails, the network continues to function.
- No data collisions.
- High security.
- Expensive and complex to deploy.
Bus Topology
Definition: All devices connect to a single cable (the bus).
- Easy installation and deployment.
- Data collisions can occur.
- Difficult error detection.
- Vulnerable to intrusion.
Ring Topology
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Film Formats
Film Width
Different film formats are typically named based on their width, measured in millimeters. Common film formats include:
- Super 8
- 16mm
- 35mm
- 65mm
Note that variations exist within these formats (e.g., Super 35, Super 16). Some formats can also be supplied with varying numbers of perforations. Older standards like 55mm, 9mm, and Single 8 are now obsolete.
Super 8
Available in negative and reversible film, Super 8 comes in cartridges and has been the standard for home movies. It’s still
Read MoreComputer Hardware and Software: Components, Peripherals, and Networks
1. Computer Staff
The operation of all computers follows the same structure: information received through input peripherals is processed in a central unit, and the results are displayed using output peripherals. For a computer to process and store information, it must be encoded and broken down into numerical data. Computers handle data using bits (binary digits), which only support the numeric values 1 and 0. To handle this information, computers use electronic circuits that translate bits into
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Simple Machines
Mechanisms and Applications
- Which of the following machines can be considered a “complex machine?” Internal combustion engine
- What movement transmission mechanism is used on bicycles to rotate the shaft of the dynamo? Wheel friction
- Of the following arrangements, which item is easiest to raise? Hoist
- Which of the following levers reverses the direction of movement of the resistance to power? First-class lever
- In addition to a support (or frame), what other element is essential for a wheel