Motion Transmission and Transformation Mechanisms

Mechanisms: Transmission and Transformation of Movement

A) Mechanisms of Transmission of Movement

These mechanisms transmit the motion produced by a driving element to another point.

  1. Linear Transmission:
    • Lever: A horizontal bar that rotates around a support point. There are three types (1st, 2nd, and 3rd class) depending on the position of the support point, effort, and resistance.
    • Fixed Pulley: A grooved wheel that revolves around an axis.
    • Mobile Pulley: A set of two pulleys, one fixed and the other
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Stainless Steel: Properties, Types, and Applications

Stainless Steels: Properties and Applications

Stainless steels contain chromium, nickel, and other alloying elements that make them shiny and resistant to oxidation. Some stainless steels are very tough and resilient, maintaining long-term resistance to extreme temperatures. Due to its brightness, architects use it extensively for decorative purposes. It is also widely used for pipes, oil depots, and chemical products because of its resistance to oxidation, and in the manufacture of surgical instruments

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Correspondences and Applications: Sets and Functions

Correspondences and Applications

Given two sets, A and B, a correspondence, denoted as f: A → B, is any rule or criterion that associates elements of set A with elements of set B. If an element x ∈ A is associated with an element y ∈ B, we say that “y is the image of x under the correspondence f” or that “x is the original element of y”. This is expressed as y = f(x).

In any correspondence f: A → B, we distinguish the following concepts:

  • Initial set of f: Set A.
  • Final set of f: Set B.
  • Original
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Diodes, Transistors & Binary Systems: Electronics Essentials

Diodes: The Basics

A diode is a two-terminal electronic component that allows current to flow in one direction only. It is formed by a p-n junction, where p-type and n-type semiconductors are joined together.

  • When a forward bias is applied to the diode (positive terminal to p-type and negative terminal to n-type), the junction barrier is reduced, allowing current to flow.
  • When a reverse bias is applied (positive terminal to n-type and negative terminal to p-type), the junction barrier is increased,
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Understanding Robotics: Sensors, Actuators, and Control Systems

Robotics: Sensors, Controllers, and Actuators

A temperature controller-sensor measures the environment’s temperature. Based on this information, the driver activates or deactivates the actuator, which in this case is a radiator.

Sensor input → Driver → Actuator output

A control system is a group of elements that automates a process:

  • Entry: Gathers information.
  • Output: Responds to this information.

Types of Control Systems

Open Loop

Activated regardless of the output.

Closed Loop

Uses a sensor; the entry

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Wide Area Networks: Characteristics, Technologies, and Protocols

Wide Area Networks

5: Wide Area Networks. Characteristics:

  • Circuit Switching (CC): Involves the existence of a path between two stations, which is a sequence of links connected between the network nodes (switches) to allow information transfer.
  • Packet Switching (CP): The information is chopped into small blocks of information.

Different Technologies: CC and CP. They differ in that switch nodes link the information between communication points.

Circuit Switching (CC)

Involves the existence of a path between

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