Understanding Electric Current and Circuits: A Comprehensive Guide

Electric current:

Is the continuous flow of electrons.


Materials that allow electric current to pass through them.


Materials that do not allow electric current to pass through them.

Static electricity:

Is the result of an imbalance between negative and positive charges in an object.

Electric circuit:

Is a set of connected components through which an electric current circulates.


Provide the necessary energy to move the electrons. (Batteries: use chemical processes to generate

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SEO and Digital Marketing Glossary


Cookie: packet of data that is sent from a server to your browser to identify and track the user to make the next visit more useful and personal. cookies in your browser are like a small snippet of text, and when you accept this one is when you send the data.

Page Visit

number of pages that the user visit or load on the same browser, in one session the user can include one or more pages of visit, this metric is important to analyst the strategies of SEO.


Informatic Program with a graphic

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Security Challenges
Chapter 8
Multiple Technologies:
technology (e.G. Wireless sensor, RFID, cloud, virtualization)
has its own vulnerabilities. The chain of all of those technologies must be secured (
application will be judged based on its weakest point).
Multiple Verticals:
paradigm will have numerous verticals. The security requirements of
each vertical are quite different from the remaining verticals.
26.3 billion smart devices will be connected to the Internet
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Challenges and Strategies for Effective Web Data Mining

61) In what ways does the Web pose great challenges for effective and efficient knowledge discovery through data mining?


  • The Web is too big for effective data mining. The Web is so large and growing so rapidly that it is difficult to even quantify its size. Because of the sheer size of the Web, it is not feasible to set up a data warehouse to replicate, store, and integrate all of the data on the Web, making data collection and integration a challenge.
  • The Web is too complex. The complexity
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The Social Dimension of Knowledge and Technological Evolution

The Social Dimension of Knowledge

The internet network is a dynamic, participatory and collaborative, users are active protagonists. The applications that are used on the internet facilitate the creation and publication of online content. A multitude of social networks have been woven into the internet to exchange information, interact…


A robot is a programmable machine capable of executing various functions or complex tasks, including different types of movements to manipulate objects and

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Evolution of Computers and Information Systems

First Computer 1940-1956

Systems used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory, and were often enormous, taking up entire rooms. These computers were very expensive to operate and in addition to using a great deal of electricity, the first computers generated a lot of heat, which was often the cause of malfunctions. First generation computers relied on machine language, the lowest-level programming language understood by computers, to perform operations, and they could only solve

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