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Electric charge is a property that all objects possessand is responsable for electrical phenomena.
The electric charge ofan object is the excess or defect of electrons that it has. If an atom gains or loses electrons, it is electrically charged.
All matter is made up of atoms. These atoms are comprised of smaller particles, each of which have an electrical charge:
• Electrons, which have a negative charge and are responsible for electric forces and interactions.
• Protons, which
Types of Cables, Insulators, Fittings, and Joints for Electrical Lines
1.3: Cables for Lines D Media Tension
a) Aluminum-Wire Steel Dsnudos D:
These cables are called x stands LA-56 and LA-110.
c) Cables and Reinforced Aluminum Foil Cn Soul Cmpactado Steel D:
S 1cable d 7ilos formed x-steel wire aluminum foil secion d circular.
d) Galvanized Steel Wire Lines D D Earth
Formads x 1alma central d d steel wire on the helically coiled q + 1 or d layers and same diameter steel calidad.los dl d earth cables must star in every support conectads directament the same whether it is
Read MoreGuide to Medium Voltage Cables and Insulators
1.3: Cables for Medium Voltage Tension
a) Aluminum-Wire Steel Dsnudos d:
These cables are called x stands LA-56 and LA-110.
c) Cables and Reinforced Aluminum Foil Cn Soul Cmpactado Steel D:
1cable d 7ilos formed x-steel wire aluminum foil secion d circular.
d) Galvanized Steel Wire Lines D D Earth
Formads x 1alma central d d steel wire on the helically coiled q + 1 or d layers and same diameter steel calidad.los dl d earth cables must star in every support conectads directament the same whether it is
Read MorePapelitos de ayuda
1.PLASTIC MATERIALS: In general, plastic materials are a normal part of everyday life. They also play important roles in sectors such packaging, telecommunications, transport, construction, medicine, agriculture and information technology. Plastics consist of long chains of molecules, mostly made of the element “carbon”. These chains of macromolecules are called polymers, which is another name for plastics. Polymers are composed of smaller molecules called monomers. 1.1 THE ORIGIN OF PLASTICS:
True/False: During the early years of computing, the primary threats to security were physical theft of equipment, espionage against the products of the systems, and sabotage.
List the main adversaries of the US and describe the type of cyber attacks they are known for.
Russia – Misinformation campaigns
China – Espionage focused on exposing US tech.
Iran – DDoS attacks
North Korea – Attacks focused on generating money.
True/False Malware is a generic term for software that has a malicious purpose.
What is a circuit board?
A printed circuit board (PCB) mechanically supports and electrically connects electronic components using conductive tracks, pads, and other features etched from copper sheets laminated onto a non-conductive substrate. A printed circuit board has pre-designed copper tracks on a conducting sheet. The pre-defined tracks reduce the wiring, thereby reducing the faults arising due to loosen connections. One simply needs to place the components on the PCB and solder them.
What are