
MOTHERBOARD : known as the mainboard, system board etc is the main printed circuit board found in computers and other systems. It holds and allows communication between many of the crucial electronic components of a system, such as the central processing unit and memory, and provides connectors for other peripherals.
MICROPROCESSOR: is a computer processor that incorporates the functions of a computer’s central processing unit  on a single integrated circuit, The microprocessor is a multipurpose,
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A structure is something that supports an object or a load.

A structure must:

  • be strong enough to support its own weight and any load that is put on it..
  • be stable (not topple over easily when a force acts on it)
  • resist without losing moreshapethan expected.

There are three types of structures:

Mass structures (estructuras masivas)
Frame structures (estructuras de ensambladas: trianguladas, entramadas y colgantes)
Shell structures (estructuras de carcasa o laminares)

Mass structures

Mass structures are
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A mechanism is simply a device which takes an input motion and force, and outputs a different motion and force. The point of a mechanism is to make the job easier to do. The mechanisms most commonly used in mechanical systems are levers, linkages, cams, gears, and and pulleys.

Levers: 1 

You need to know how to calculate the mechanical advantage obtained by using levers, the velocity ratio in levers and pulley systems, and gear ratio and output speed when using gears.

A lever is the simplest

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