Carnot Cycle, Heat Transfer, and Turbine Technology
कार्नोट चक्र (Carnot Cycle)
कार्नोट चक्र (Carnot Cycle) थर्मोडायनामिक्स का एक महत्वपूर्ण सिद्धांत है, जो किसी आदर्श गर्म मशीन के कार्य करने के तरीके को समझाता है। यह चक्र दो तापमानों के बीच काम करता है: उच्च तापमान
Read MoreEnergy Storage Technologies: PHS, CAES, Flywheels, and Batteries
Pumped-Hydroelectric Storage (PHS)
- Massive quantities of energy for relatively long durations.
- Reliable technology.
- Long life.
- Low self-discharge.
- Low operation and maintenance costs.
- Potential use of abandoned mine shafts for coal or groundwater systems to store water and machinery.
- High capital costs (land acquisition, civil works, structures, and mechanical/electrical machinery).
- Compliance with local regulations.
- Costs associated with transmission lines.
- Long development time.
Best Practices for Effective Brazing
The Importance of Proper Brazing Procedures
Brazing is ideally suited for joining dissimilar metals and is performed at a relatively low temperature. A brazed joint essentially “makes itself”—capillary action, more than operator skill, ensures the distribution of the filler metal into the joint. However, even a properly designed joint can turn out imperfectly if the correct brazing process steps are not followed.
Brazing Process Step 1: Good Fit and Proper Clearances
Brazing uses the principle of
Read MoreWelding Copper Alloys: Factors, Defects, and Techniques
Factors Influencing Weldability of Copper and Alloys:
High thermal conductivity, high coefficient of expansion, selection of the design of the union, position of welding, surface condition, vaporization of elements.
Gases Used in Welding:
Oxygen: As fuel gas, oxygen is used. If used, the temperatures reached would be 800 to 1000 º C. As fuel gas, hydrogen, natural gas, propane, or other fuels can be used. However, the acetylene flame with oxygen achieves higher temperatures, providing greater heat
Read MoreNetworking Protocols: ARQ, TCP, HTTP, WiFi, and Link Layer Analysis
An ARQ protocol operates between a sender and receiver on a 10Mbps channel (in both directions). Data packets are 10,000 bits each (including headers), and acknowledgment packets are 100 bits each (including headers). The wire is 20Km long. Assume the signal propagation speed on the channel is 2×10^8 m/sec. Assume there is no packet loss and processing delays are negligible.
a) Consider a scenario where the receiver acknowledges every packet, how long does it take from when the sender starts transmitting
Read MoreElectric Motor Overhaul: Steps, Troubleshooting, and Maintenance
Electric motor overhaul is the process of performing comprehensive maintenance and repair to ensure the motor operates at optimal efficiency. Below are the steps, common troubles, and remedies:
Steps of Electric Motor Overhaul
- Perform a thorough visual and technical inspection of the motor to identify faults or signs of wear and tear.
- Check for unusual noises, overheating, and vibrations.
- Carefully dismantle the motor, ensuring that all parts like the rotor, stator, and bearings