Understanding Employee Dismissal in Spain

Actions in Case of Dismissal

A worker may claim the dismissal if they are dissatisfied with the decision, and has 20 working days to do so.

Act of Reconciliation

It is a necessary precondition to any proceedings for dismissal before the labor court and by which it attempts to reach a settlement between employer and employee.


  • The demand for conciliation must be filed by the worker at the Unit of Measurement, Arbitration and Conciliation (UMAC).
  • The deadline for submission is 20 working days.
  • The
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Leadership Styles and Workforce Management

Types of Leaders


Autocratic leaders make decisions on their own without discussion. They set business objectives, issue instructions to workers, and check to ensure that they are carried out. Workers can become so accustomed to this style that they are dependent on their leaders for all guidance and will not show any initiative. Motivation levels are likely to be low, so supervision of staff will be essential. Managers using this style are likely to use one-way communication – that is,

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Working Time and Salary Regulations

Working Time and Its Distribution


  • Economic perceptions of workers, in cash or kind, for the provision of gainful employment.
  • Wages in kind may not exceed 30% of the worker’s earnings, and these perceptions are given in goods or services other than money.
  • The service is fixed by mutual agreement between employer and employee and will never be less than minimum wage.

Minimum Wage

  • Minimum wage is set annually by the government, in consultation with social partners, for all workers.
  • It takes into account
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Understanding Employment Contracts: Types and Key Elements

Indefinite Contracts

Regular: This is the standard type of indefinite contract. It is not mandatory to formalize it in writing, though it is minimally referenced in Art. 15.01 ET (Estatuto de los Trabajadores – Workers’ Statute). These contracts have a specific legal regime.

Contracts for the Promotion of Permanent Contracts: These contracts aim to incentivize employers to offer permanent positions. They are targeted at specific groups, including:

  • Unemployed individuals with disabilities
  • Young people
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Labor Laws: Working Hours, Overtime, and Rest Periods

Ordinary Working Day for Urban Public Transportation Drivers and Attendants

Article 26: Urban passenger services are generally public transport services that allow users to travel up and down the streets or roads in a particular city or populated area. The parties may agree on a system through a day of work based on shifts and must meet the following rules:

  • Each turn cannot exceed 8 hours.
  • An uninterrupted rest period of 10 hours between shifts must be given.
  • The driver must not drive more than 4 continuous
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HR Essentials: Employee Turnover, Recruitment, and Compensation

Human Resources Management

Employee Turnover

How employees feel about the work environment and the compensation they receive is crucial. Without effective systems, companies lose money, resources, and time as employees seek better places to work and higher compensation.

Calculating Employee Turnover

A company divides the number of resignations by the total number of employees at the end of the same 12-month period.

Formula: (Resignations ÷ Total number of employees)


The process of attracting

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