Kazuo Ishiguro’s ‘The Remains of the Day’: Anti-Semitism and Memories

Stevens and the Question of Darlington’s Anti-Semitism

Stevens reflects on Darlington’s anti-Semitism.
He recalls that with frequent visits in 1932 from Mrs. Carolyn Barnet, a woman associated with Mosley’s British Fascists, Darlington seemed to make anti-Jewish comments more frequently.
One day, Darlington called Stevens in and told him to fire the two Jewish maids on staff.
Stevens then met with Miss Kenton for their daily meeting over cocoa and informed her that she had to let the maids go.
Miss Kenton
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Ebenezer Howard’s Garden City Concept: Origins and Impact

Ebenezer Howard and the Garden City Concept

Ebenezer Howard’s Garden City concept, as outlined in his 1898 book Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path To Real Reform, proposed a new type of urban environment. The first experiment was Letchworth, built in 1903, followed by Welwyn in 1919, both in England. These became prototypes copied worldwide, especially during the post-war European reconstruction.

The Garden City attempted a third way, combining the benefits and opportunities of the city with the healthier

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Lyrics & Chords: Never Getting Back Together

Lyrics & Chords: Two Romantic Songs

First Song

I’m looking for you…

Because my lips miss your fiery kisses.

I’m calling you…

Em E7
And in my sad words, my voice is a plea.

I need you…

Because my life without seeing you has no meaning.

And my lost steps go through the world,

Em B7 Em
Seeking the path of your understanding.

Take pity on me…
If you have a heart…

B7 E7
Listen in its beats to the voice of my pain.

But come back…

To fill the void

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Credit Titles: Types, Characteristics, and Legal Aspects

Credit Titles: Key Features and Characteristics

Credit titles are documents necessary for exercising literal and autonomous rights. They have the following characteristics:

  • Literalism: Only what is written on the document is considered.
  • Cartularity: It is a documented paper (cartula). For the holder to exercise the rights arising from the credit, the presentation of the document is necessary.
  • Autonomy: Independence in the obligatory relationships established within the title.

Classification of Credit

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Understanding Civil Liability in Brazilian Law

1 – 23/02/2010 Direito Civil.

A responsabilidade civil envolve dois agentes que causam danos a terceiros. São obrigados a reparar, sendo essa responsabilidade subjetiva ou, por outro lado, objetiva.

Responsabilidade Subjetiva: Essa responsabilidade somente se configura por meio de culpa. O agente causador do dano deve saber que há prova de culpa, como imprudência, negligência, etc.

Responsabilidade Objetiva: Essa responsabilidade não depende de culpa. Mesmo que o agente causador do dano não tenha

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Galician Literature: Exile, Poetry, Narrative, and Theater in the 20th Century

Galician Exile Literature

Following the military rebellions, many Galician literary figures were forced into exile. Mexico became a significant hub for Galician intellectual activity. Exiles produced a wide range of intellectual work. Castelao was a major Galician reference in America. Poets such as Emilio Pita, Luis Seoane, and Lourenzo Varela were deeply marked by the Civil War, reflected in works like Fardel do exiliado, Na bretema, Sant-Iago, As Lonxa, and scars. Seoane’s poetry is reflexive

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