Configuración de Voz sobre IP (VoIP) con Cisco

Configuración en el Switch

Pasos para configurar el Switch:

  1. Entrar al modo de configuración:

    Switch> en
    Switch# config t

  2. Configurar el rango de interfaces FastEthernet:

    Switch(config)# interface range fastEthernet 0/1-6
    Nota: El primer 0 depende de la tarjeta del Switch. Conectar a los primeros puertos (1, 2, 3, etc.).

  3. Configurar el modo de acceso y la VLAN de voz:

    Switch(config-if)# switchport mode access
    Switch(config-if)# switchport voice vlan 1

  4. Habilitar la interfaz:

    Switch(config-if)# no shutdown

  5. Salir

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Planning, Productivity, and Time Management

1. Holiday Planning

When planning holidays, my first consideration is aligning dates with my daughter’s availability. We then choose a destination, prioritizing places neither of us has visited. We each have one week of work and a two-week vacation period. Providing our preferred dates in advance allows for scheduling adjustments upon our return.

2. To-Do Lists: Helpful or a Waste of Time?

Creating a weekly to-do list is not a waste of time for me. It’s not a rigid schedule, but rather a helpful

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The Picture of Dorian Gray: A Summary

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Chapter 1-2

Lord Henry visits Basil Hallward’s house, where Basil is painting a portrait. Lord Henry admires the portrait’s beauty, suggesting it be displayed in an art gallery. Basil demurs, stating the painting holds a part of his soul. He reveals the subject is Dorian Gray, a young man with whom Basil is infatuated but uncertain of his feelings. Lord Henry desires an introduction to Dorian, but Basil hesitates. The servant announces Dorian’s arrival.

Chapter 3

Lord Henry,

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Syntactic Analysis of Sentences: A Comprehensive Guide

Syntactic Analysis

To analyze a sentence syntactically, we first identify the verb. Ask “Who performs the action of the verb?” The answer is the subject. The rest is automatically the predicate.

Subject Phrase

The subject phrase consists of:

  • Nucleus (N): Always a noun, pronoun, or infinitive.
  • Determinant (Det.): Any kind of determiner: article, possessive, demonstrative, etc. It goes with the noun.
  • Adjective (Adj.): An adjective that modifies the noun.
  • Apposition (App.): A noun that is not preceded by
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Language and Linguistic Diversity

1 – Language and Language Diversity

Language = human power through words to communicate. It is

what distinguishes us from other living beings.

• Linguistic Family, Language, and Dialect

All languages proceed from a mother language.

Languages that proceed from the same mother language have affinities

and form linguistic families. For example, Spanish, Latin, French, and Italian are related.


A system of verbal signs used to communicate and express oneself within a community

of speakers. It is characterized

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The Diversity of Language: From Standard to Slang

1. Language and Linguistic Diversity

Language equals power. Humans, through words, communicate. This is what sets us apart from other species.

Linguistic Family, Language, and Dialect

All languages descend from other languages. Modern languages proceed from older ones, and these older languages have affinities that form linguistic families. For example, Spanish, Latin, French, and Italian are related.


A system of verbal signs used to communicate and express oneself within a community of speakers.

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