prevención riesgos laborales
Son Accidentes de Trabajo: ➔ Los que ocurren en el tiempo y lugar de trabajo (ejemplo: un infarto).
No son Accidentes de trabajo: ➔ Los ocurridos por dolo (intención) o imprudencia temeraria del trabajador, es decir, actuando de manera contraria a las normas, instrucciones u órdenes dadas por el empresaria en materia de seguridad y salud (ejemplo: desobedecer la orden de utilizar el arnés de seguridad y sufra una caída).
Assistance Needed: Trip Preparations for Buenos Aires
Dear [Assistant’
Sources of power:
Legitimate: An agreement among organizational members that people in certain roles can request certain behaviours of others.
Reward: Ability to control the allocation of rewards valued by others and to remove negative sanctions. Operates upward as well as downward
Coercive: Ability to apply punishment. Exists upward as well as downward. Peer pressure is a form of coercive power.
Leadership competencies: -Competencies – personal characteristics that lead to superior performance in
Purchasingcycle:Requisition (type and number of items needed) Value Analysis (lowest cost way to satisfy the request) Supplier Selection (prices, delivery times, quality, etc.) Order Placement (formal purchase order) Order Monitoring (scheduling) Order Delivery (transportation, quality control, payment)
Production planning: Routing (movement of mechanical part or other piece of work from one operation to the next)Loading (
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2.Types of communication: KISS (keep it short and simple ) Verbal communication refers to the form of communication in which message is transmitted verbally. is the first step in an international transaction. Make sure that the other part understand what we are trying to say. The difference between verbal and no verbalcommunication is that we can control the former. Oral communication is when spoken words are used. It is further divided into face to face orothers ( radio, telephone) Oral communication Read Morehwwth
What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a celebrity?
Being a celebrity in this society is cool, however this has both positive and negative points.
On the one hand, being a celebrity has aspects in favor, for example, you have a luxurious life and you can have whatever you want. Besides, you are admired by many people who are usually your fans. This makes you be a role model for society.
On the other hand, being famous also implies drawbacks, such as not having any privacy because the mass
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TEACHE THROUGH PLAYING: Creativity, Critical nature, Common effort, Socialization, Comprehensive, Freedom, Honesty, Autonomy.
PLANNING(competences, objectives…) à EXECUTION(game development, active participation) à EVALUATION (reflection process, verification of the new leanings).
1. Choosing the type of game
2. Design and preparation of the game
3. Presentation of the game
4. Grouping
5. Intervention during the game
6. Game variations
7. Refereeing – Judge
8. Reasons
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