Fuentes de Financiación para Empresas: Guía Completa


Sónels recursos líquids o els mitjans de pagament a disposició de l’empresa per afrontar les seves necessitats dineràries.

La principal classificació de les fonts de finançament que anem a veure fa referència a la titularitat dels recursos. Caldrà diferenciar entre recursos propis i recursos aliens.

****Recursos propis o finançament propi****:

Són els recursos més estables de què disposa l’empresa, ja que no s’han de tornar en tota la vida

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Understanding Business Structure and Organization

1.1 The Economic Function of Businesses

Businesses play a crucial role in the economy by combining production factors like capital, labor, natural resources, and technology under the direction and control of entrepreneurs. Their primary objective is to produce goods and services for the market, aiming for maximum profit. While private businesses dominate market economies, public and mixed-ownership enterprises also exist, often prioritizing social benefits or services over profit maximization.


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Digital Marketing Strategies: SEM, PPC, SEO, and Email Marketing


Refers to all the paid marketing strategies where all the actions we do are meant to position ourselves in a higher position inside the search engines. Se refiere a todas las estratégias de marketing pagadas, en las que todas las acciones que realizamos tienen como objetivo posicionarnos en una posición más alta dentro de los motores de búsqueda.

– Why is SEM useful?

– To attract users who are looking for products / services like ours → Collects the demand and brings it

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English Vocabulary and Grammar Review: Units 4-6

Unit 4: Work and Employment


  • Deadline: due date, time limit
  • Field: area, sector
  • Out of work: unemployed
  • Overtime: extra hours
  • Part-time: working less than the normal number of hours
  • People skills: the ability to communicate effectively with others
  • Perk: benefit, bonus
  • Position: job
  • Qualification: a skill or type of experience that makes someone suitable for a particular job
  • Reliable: dependable
  • Rewarding: satisfying
  • Rise: an increase in salary
  • Room for advancement: opportunity for promotion
  • Seasonal:
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Exploring Literary Movements: Realism, Naturalism, and Romanticism

Realism in 19th Century Europe

During the mid-19th century, scientific advancements in Europe led to significant changes and conflicts within individuals and society. The bourgeoisie gained prominence, attaining economic and social power through innovative philosophical, cultural, and artistic trends that introduced a new concept of life and humanity.

Realism emerged from positivist thought, which only accepted the results of observation and experimentation as true. Realism primarily aimed to reflect

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Reported Speech: A Comprehensive Guide to Tense Changes and Transformations

Reported Speech: Tense Changes and Transformations

Basic Tense Changes

  • Present Simple/Past Simple:
    “Marta doesn’t feed cats every night.” becomes “Cats weren’t fed by Marta every night.”
  • Present Continuous/Past Continuous:
    “I am not designing a new website now.” becomes “A new website wasn’t being designed now.”
  • Past Simple/Past Perfect (Had + V3):
    “Carol didn’t send postcards last Christmas.” becomes “Postcards hadn’t been sent by Carol last Christmas.”
  • Present Perfect/Past Perfect:
    “The owners haven’t
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