Analysis of Joan Miró and Piet Mondrian’s Paintings

Outside the Netherlands

Joan Miró (1893-1983)

1928, Surrealism

Technique: Oil on canvas, 92 cm x 73 cm

Current Location: Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York

Formal Analysis:

Miró modifies the original composition (Dutch Interior I by Hendrick Martensz Sorgh) to create a unique visual language. Bright, pure, and flat colors contribute to a distorted, amoeba-like aesthetic. Miró deconstructs figures into a collection of features, resulting in a distinct representation of the human form. The cat serves

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The 1931 Spanish Constitution: A Democratic and Progressive Turning Point

The text before us is to discuss legal nature, it deals specifically with the 1931 Constitution democratic and progressive nature, which was promulgated on 9 December 1931.Históricamente we stand at the end of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera , the acceptance that he had when the coup, went missing. Given the prestige of the dictatorship, fearful that affecting its monarchy, Alfonso XIII withdrew its support for Primo de Rivera, who resigned in 1930. He was replaced by General Berenguer, however

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Internal Environment & Homeostasis: Salt, Water, and Renal System

The Internal Environment

It’s easy to identify external environmental factors: air, sunlight, temperature. But what about our internal environment? Claude Bernard coined the term “internal environment” to describe the fluids surrounding our body’s cells (interstitial fluid, blood, and lymph). These fluids contain vital substances like oxygen, nutrients, and minerals.

Water in the Body

In healthy adults, the internal environment’s water volume accounts for 37%, composed of:

  • Interstitial fluid: Found
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Art History Through the Ages


1893 – Impressionism

Formal Description: The center of the image features a stranger on a bridge with his hands on his face and mouth open, screaming with all his might. To the left, two people walk, oblivious to his distress. Behind the bridge, a harrowing seascape unfolds, complete with sailboats. The main character’s anxiety is visually expressed through sinuous lines and curves that outline the entire environment. The visual imbalance is complemented by a strong diagonal that divides the canvas

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Post-Impressionist and Impressionist Art Analysis

Yellow Christ (postimpressionist):

It is a painting on canvas. It fully appreciates the predominance of drawing over color-the colors are pure high chromatic effect. It opens the way to the movement of fuvismo where the color will become the vehicle of expression. The figure is flat with no volume. Shows a clear influence of Japanese prints. It is a figure drawn color filled. Uses yellow mixed with orange and green, in parallel with Christ. Christ becomes the protagonist of the scene, with that

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The Colorful Journey of Motion Picture Film

Motion Picture Film


Motion picture film is a strip of transparent material with multiple layers coating both sides. The base layer, crucial for stability, is made of chemically stable, photographically insensitive, and moisture-resistant plastic. Historically, three types of plastic have been used:

  1. Cellulose Nitrate: Highly flammable and discontinued by 1950.
  2. Cellulose Acetate: Developed as a safer replacement for cellulose nitrate. Cellulose triacetate is the most common type.
  3. Polyester:
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