Sun, Soil, and Ecosystems: A Comprehensive Overview
Sun Soil
Sun and Soil Composition
Core inner, photosphere composition
Hydrogen to helium rocks and minerals:
Distance – gravel, sand, clay
earth 15C moon -18 organic matter
radiation–visible light -humus, organisms
invi—x-ray, gamma, ultraviolet air and water
Greenhouse Characteristics
30% reflect Profile-surface to bedrock(horizon (0,A,B,C))
20% absorb texture-size of the mineral particle in soil
50%earth -sandy(no floods)-coarse particles
gasses–global warming – clay(floods)-fine particles
glacier retreat – loam(mixture)
rise in the sea Soil Formation (Stages)
impact in nat environment 1st parent material(lichens)
Water 2nd young soil(grass, 100)
70% 3rd mature (organic matter, 1000)
main comp lthings Soil as an Ecosystem
photosintesis *Bio community
moderates climate -Producers(autotrophic,plants, mosses
Biosphere-20km -consumers(heterotrophic,mites,larvae)
Ecosystem – decomposers(fungi, bacteria)
biotope: *biotope(physical space where Bio C lives
partplace -absence of light(except top layer)
water,air,soil -stable temperatures(day-night,summer-win)
bio community: -little oxygen(air found in little holes and porous
living things Desertification (degradation of soil by climatic changes
populations(same species) deforestation-vegetation is cut down leading to soil erosion
Biotic over cultivation-fertilizes the soil (nutrients)
livings things and plants overgrazing-consumption of pasture by cattle,leaves soil unprotected
Abiotic Soil Protection
temp, place,air soil redorestation-planting indigenous
Adaptation LT good agricultural practices
Animals1,2,3,top,scavenger(decomposers) appropriate irrigation systems
Environmental Conditions
Tema 7-Shrublands
*climate ·Atlantic:-Heathland= dense shrubs(4m)
temperature: dedidous forest dead= meadows=(grass)cattle
frigid,temperate,torrid zones ·mediterranean
precipitation Maquis:2m(strawberry,mastics,myrtles
*relief(vegetation.N S) Garrigue:1m(kermes oak),pines
*Type of soil Aromatic plant:rosemary,thyme, lavender
*human activity(dist of animals Marine Eco zones in oceans:
–Eco in spain *distance:-coastal 90% species
*Atlantic forest(abundant rain -open sea(beyond continental shelf
sumer mid temp,wint cold *amount of sun light received
decidious trees,bushes down -Sunlit zone,euphotic(200m),a lot sunlight
*Mediterranian forest(irregular) -twilight,disphotic (to 2000)(a small part)
evergreen trees,leaves detrivor -midnight,asphotic(total darkness)
Life in Oceans
*laurel forest(high temp,canary) *Plankton(phyto,zoo plankton)water current
mosses ferns and lichens *benthos:attached floor move along it
azores laurel *nekton animal swim freely